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Consider the Alternatives Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-130

Scope and Contents

This collection contains the administrative records of Philadelphia chapter of SANE, the Sane Education Fund, and Consider the Alternatives Productions which pertain to the weekly radio broadcast, "Consider the Alternatives." Included in the collection are sound tape reels and audio cassette tapes of programs aired since November 1972, together with related records such as monthly programs, partial or complete scripts, questions for interviews,biographica... l information about guest speakers, notes about planned programs, and reference material (articles, reports, clippings) about the topics discussed. Scattered correspondence and promotion al materials are also in the collection. The Peace Collection also has material concerning the annual Sane Education Fund Peace Award, including the series of serigraphs of each award winner.

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  • Creation: 1978 - 1994

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research use.

Physical Access Note

All or part of this collection is stored off-site. Contact Swarthmore College Peace Collection staff at at least two weeks in advance of visit to request boxes.

Historical Note

Consider the Alternatives Productions was established in 1972 by the Philadelphia chapter of SANE, A Citizens' Organization for a Sane World to conduct educational and non- partisan political activities and to receive tax deductible contributions. It was first called the SANE Education Fund of Pennsylvania. One project supported by the SANE Education Fund was a weekly half-hour radio broadcast called "SANE Views the World." This program was started... by the Philadelphia office of SANE in November 1972 and was continued by the SANE Education Fund. In March 1978, the title of the series was changed to "Consider the Alternatives." By 1990 the organization funded only two projects the Consider the Alternatives radio program and the SANE Education Fund Peace Award. The Award is given annually to a well-known peace activist or someone who promoted world peace. Past award winners have included Bishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda, Rev. William Sloane Coffin, and Joan Baez. Artist Sam Maitin created a limited edition serigraph of each award winner. The Peace Collection owns one set of all these serigraphs. In August of 1990 the name of the organization was officially changed from SANE Education Fund of Pennsylvania to Consider the Alternatives Productions.

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10.8 linear ft. : 10.8 linear feet (papers only), plus 598 sound tape reels and 4 sound cassettes.

Language of Materials


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Consider the Alternatives Productions was established in 1972 by the Philadelphia chapter of SANE, to conduct educational and non- partisan political activities and to receive tax deductible contributions. It was first called the SANE Education Fund of Pennsylvania. One project supported by the SANE Education Fund was a weekly half-hour radio broadcast called "SANE Views the World." In March 1978, the title of the series was changed to "Consider the Alternatives." By 1990 the organization funded only two projects: the Consider the Alternatives radio program and the SANE Education Fund Peace Award. In August of that year the name of the organization was officially changed to Consider the Alternatives Productions.


The paper records remain in the order in which they were received. The sound recordings are divided between reel to reel tape recordings and cassette copies of these recordings. These recordings are divided into five Series: A-E. Series A contains Consider the Alternatives (CTA) reel to reel tapes, numbered by CTA from programs #92-782 (some missing); Series B includes reel to reel tapes from the radio program Insights (1982-1983), and numbered by Insights; Series C includes CTA and Insights reel to reel tapes numbered by Swarthmore College Peace Collection (SCPC) staff; Series D and D.1 include reel to reel tapes numbered by SCPC staff; and Series E includes large, 11 inch reel to reel tapes number by SCPC staff. Audio cassettes are arranged in numerical order, matching the program number of the reel to reel tapes. CTA numbered the cassettes.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Many of the sound recordings may be too fragile to play in current format and would have to be repaired and copied (digitized), before being available.

Custodial History

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for these papers/records.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift of SANE Education Fund and Consider the Alternatives, 1980 (Acc. 80A-078a, Acc. 80a-078b); 1981 (Acc. 81A-034, Acc. 81A-090, Acc. 81A-126); 1982 (Acc. 82A-047, Acc. 82A-052, Acc. 82A-057); 1984 (Acc. 84A-097); 1988 (Acc. 88A-046) 1989 (Acc. 89A-090); 1992 (Acc. 92A-063); 1996 (Acc. 96A-046).

Related Materials

  1. SANE Inc. (DG 058)
  2. New Jersey SANE (DG 132)
  3. Peace Action (DG 151)

Separated Materials

Audiovisual material and serigraphs.

Legal Status

Copyright may have been transferred to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection or may have been retained by the creators/authors (or their descendants), in this collection, as stipulated by United States copyright law. Please contact the SCPC Curator for further information.

Processing Information

This collection is unprocessed. Finding aids have been created by Swarthmore College Peace Collection staff. This finding aid was created by Wendy E. Chmielewski, May 2016.

A detailed finding aid for the Consider the Alternatives audio recordings is available in paper at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection.

Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Revision Statements

  • 2017: The file list was standardized in Summer 2017 by Mary Olesnavich in preparation for importing into ArchivesSpace. Julie C. Swierczek added the notes in Fall 2017.

Find It at the Library

Most of the materials in this catalog are not digitized and can only be accessed in person. Please see our website for more information about visiting or requesting repoductions from Swarthmore College Peace Collection Library

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