- keyword(s): "school of the americas"
Showing Results: 1 - 10 of 97
SOA Watch Records
The SOA Watch was founded in 1990 by Catholic peace activist, Father Roy Bourgeois. The organization tracks and monitors the work of the School of the Americas (SOA), renamed the "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation," (WHISC), in 2001. The WHISC is a combat training school for Latin American military personnel, located at Fort Benning, Georgia. The SOA Watch is a direct action protest organization.
Letters of Nonviolence Project Records
Includes correspondence (2002-2004) to and from Daniel Berrigan, Kathy Boylan, Mary Dean, Joyce Ellwanger, Lisa Hughes, Carol Gilbert, Elizabeth McAlister, Ardeth Platte, Byron Plumley, and Michael Wisniewski.
Mary B. Herzel Collected Papers
Herzel was a peace activist and prolific writer of letters to the editor, from the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area.
School of the Americas
School of the Americas
School of the Americas
This collection is part part of Subject File #1. This collection includes general materials, including protests against the School of the Americas (SOA). Additional material includes acc. 2022-041 (gift of Selina Gallo-Cruz).