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German (culture, style, period)

Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus

Found in 15 Collections and/or Records:

Bible: Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-4 Kings, etc., 1400 - 1499

Identifier: Gordan Ms 34
Abstract ff. 1v-8r Biblical genealogy beginning with Adam and ending with Paul the Apostle. Genealogy uses both text and diagrams mainly consisting of rondels connected by double lines. ff. 8v-12v blank. ff. 13r-163r First twelve books of the Bible in the usual order as described by N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, vol. 1 (Oxford, 1969) 96-97. Prologues in parentheses as listed in Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi (Madrid, 1950-): General Prologue (284); Prologue to the...
Dates: 1400 - 1499

Biblical concordance, etc., 1400 - 1499

Identifier: Gordan MS 36

Table of Contents: A Biblical concordance from Abbas to Zorobabel; Supplement to article 1 from Aaron to Phiton; A table for the liturgical year of cues for Gospel and Epistle readings for the temporal and sanctoral arranged for the use of the Carthusian Order at the Charterhouse of St. Barbara in Cologne; Table dividing the books of the Old and New Testaments into four parts. Followed by two prayers one by Cassiodorus.the other by Bede.

Dates: 1400 - 1499

De officiis, 1400 - 1425

Identifier: Gordan MS 108

Table of contents: Marci Tulii Ciceronis eloquentissimi officiorum. Liber primus Incipit feliciter; Meditationes ad Ipsum. . .; World chronicle written the same hand as article 2.

Dates: 1400 - 1425

Diurnal, 1400 - 1499

Identifier: Gordan MS 22
Abstract Table of contents: Three unidentified capitula lacking first initial and rubrication; Three capitula, one each for: prime at feasts during Advent, Quadragesima, Sundays, and the Vigil of the Nativity; feasts outside of Advent and Quadragesima; and private feasts; Prayers and antiphons for Prime for these feasts; a capitulum for other feasts during the week; a capitulum for miscellaneous Sundays, followed by more prayers and antiphons; Psalms and antiphons for Prime, Monday through Saturday;...
Dates: 1400 - 1499

Epistolae, etc., 1450 - 1499

Identifier: Gordan MS 99
Abstract Table of contents: Francisci Aretini in phalaridis tyranni Agrigentini epistolas ad Illustrissimum principum malatestam nouellum; Epistolarum Bruti per dominum Ranuntium e greco in latinum traductarum ad sanctissimum dominum nostrum papam Nicolaum papam quintum prohemium; Ad sanctissimum et clementissimum patrem et dominum domini Pium secundum pontificem maximum in diogenis philosophi epistolas francisci Aretini prefacio; Unidentified treatise on the administration of justice from a...
Dates: 1450 - 1499

Epistulae; Adversus Vigilantium; and De Perpetua virginitate beatae mariae adversus Helvidium, 1435

Identifier: MS 55
Abstract This is an exceptionally interesting collection of texts by Saint Jerome, still in its original binding and signed and dated at numerous intervals by the scribe, Johannes Tyrolf, providing valuable evidence on how fast scribes wrote. Tyrolf signed at least five other manuscripts. It includes unpublished marginal comments, as well as an original subject index, copied by the main scribe in a formal hand and could be an invaluable source for studies of the reception of Jerome’s works, as well...
Dates: 1435

Guido de Monte Rocherii, etc., 1454

Identifier: Gordan MS 80
Abstract Table of contents: Incipit liber qui dicitur manipulus curatorum editus a magistro guidone de monte rochen in ciuitate turoli et dividitur in tres partes... Quartum de dotibus glorie paradisi post hoc habetur finis tocius. De Quattuor conditionibus quibus est facienda confessio, Table of Contents for article 2; Reuerendo in cristo patri ac domino domino reimundo diuina prouidentia Reverendo in christo patri ac domino domino reimundo diuina prouidentia sancte sedis ualencie episcopo suorum...
Dates: 1454

Legenda aurea, etc., 1400 - 1450

Identifier: Gordan MS 47

Table of contents: Prologue; De adventu domini nostri ihesu christi; de sancto andrea apostolo. . . de dedicatione ecclesie; Incomplete index to article 2 in a later hand; each letter of the alphabet is included, but only a few chapter headings with page references have been filled in.

Dates: 1400 - 1450

Liber de fide ad petrum diaconum, etc., 1412

Identifier: Gordan MS 42

Table of contents: Augustine, Liber de fide ad Petrum; One or possibly two fragments (16 lines) attributed to Bruno Sigiensis. Fragments exhort the reader to bear contumely and injury in silence and not to answer accusations in order to please God.

Dates: 1412

Liber questionum et solutionum philonis in genesi, 1500 - 1525

Identifier: Gordan MS 69
Abstract ff. 1r-33v [Title:] Liber Questionum et Solutionum Philonis in Genesi.Questio Prima. Inc.: Quare quadraginta annorum erat Ysaac cum nupsisset ei Rebecca? Nuptie mature sapienti quadragenarie sunt: bonum est. enim prius exerceri [added in margin: et concrescere] eruditionem diuinis spectaculis, nullo alterius desiderio occupatam. Expl.: Illi namque per corona adipiscenda species gestant optimas pro uictoria et laude exercicii hy uero usque ad terrestreas peregrinando deueniunt...
Dates: 1500 - 1525