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Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 50 Collections and/or Records:

De legendis libris gentilium, Lat. tr. Leonardo Bruni, etc., 1425 - 1475

Identifier: Gordan MS 27
Abstract f. 1r blank. ff. 1v-9r [Title:] Magni Basilii Archiepiscopi Cesarie capadotie ad nepotes. de legendis auctoribus [Prologue:] Ego tibi hunc librum Coluti ex media ut aiunt grecia delegi ubi eiuscemodi rerum magna copia est et infinita pene multitudo. [Text, f. 2r:] Magni Basilii Archiepiscopi Cesarie capadotie ad nepotes de legendis auctoribus gentilibus libellus incipit. Inc.: Multa sunt filii que hortantur me ad ea vobis consulenda que optima esse duco. . . Expl.: . . . quidem medicos...
Dates: 1425 - 1475

De legibus, De senectute, etc., 1400 - 1454

Identifier: Gordan MS 3
Abstract Table of contents: f. 1r Contains miscellaneous nearly-contemporary notes relating to the text in various hands, f. 1v Ruled but blank; M. T. Ciceronis de Legvm Emendationibvs, Marivs libellus incipit; Principio tractato in Rhetoricis, caput 1; Ci[cero] de senectute; Four-line mnemonic device for the seven roman military ranks; brief list of the seven ages of man from infant to child followed by a list of seven ages of the world; Totius cronice Epylogus et Supputatio; Ex lactantio sententie...
Dates: 1400 - 1454

De miseria conditionis humanae, 1450 - 1499

Identifier: MS 35

This manuscript of the late twelfth-century text De miseria conditionis humanae was produced in Italy in the second half of the fifteenth century. The author of the work was the cardinal Lotario dei Segni, who later became Pope Innocent III. This copy is written on paper in a Gothic cursive script, with red and blue initials.

Dates: 1450 - 1499

De miseria conditionis humanae, 1450 - 1499

Identifier: MS 47

This is a late fifteenth-century Italian manuscript of Poggio Bracciolini's De miseria conditionis humanae (usually called De miseria humanae conditionis). The work is a type of socratic reflection, inspired by the sack of Constantinople, which Bracciolini wrote in his retirement in Florence.

Dates: 1450 - 1499

De nobilitate, etc., 1425 - 1475

Identifier: MS 48
Abstract This humanistic manuscript was copied on parchment in Italy in the mid-fifteenth century. The first four works are three letters of Poggio Bracciolini, including one on nobility and one against avarice, and a poem by Carlo Marsuppino (Aretino) on nobility; these share a page layout, illuminated initials, and marginal notes of proper names in red. Three brief letters by Petrarch and an Easter table have been added at the end (fols. 103v-114r) and have spaces left for illuminated initials....
Dates: 1425 - 1475

De officiis, 1400 - 1425

Identifier: Gordan MS 108

Table of contents: Marci Tulii Ciceronis eloquentissimi officiorum. Liber primus Incipit feliciter; Meditationes ad Ipsum. . .; World chronicle written the same hand as article 2.

Dates: 1400 - 1425

De officiis, etc., 1425 - 1475

Identifier: Gordan MS 111

Table of contents: M. T. C. De Officiis Liber Primus Feliciter Incipit; Unidentified paragraph on natural law.

Dates: 1425 - 1475

De oratore, 1400 - 1499

Identifier: Gordan MS 1
Abstract ff. 1r-120v [Heading:] Incipit Liber Primus T. C. de Oratore ad Quintum Fratrem.Inc.: Cogitanti mihi sepe numero ac memoria vetera repetenti, per beati fuisse, Quinte frater frater [sic] illi videri solent, qui in optima re publica, cum ex honoribus et rerum gestarum gloria florerent, eum uite cursum tenere potuerunt, vt uel in negotio sine periculo, uel in otio cum dignitate esse possent.Expl.: Nam cum sint numeri plures plures [sic] iam et trocheum frequenter...
Dates: 1400 - 1499

De temporibus pauli II, liber V, 1425 - 1450

Identifier: MS 46

This is a Northern Italian manuscript from the second quarter of the fifteenth century, which contains Gaspare da Verona's De temporibus pauli II, liber V.

Dates: 1425 - 1450

Della pazienza, 1400 - 1425

Identifier: Gordan MS 81
Abstract Table of contents: Qui se comença lo libro della patientia. el quale se chiama medicina del core. Nel quale se contengono li rimedii contra le tribulationi e Le Tribulationi e le desperatione. Liquali Remedii fortifica lanima deuota ad resistere contra epate e meritare uita eterna; preface; table of chapters for Book I; chapter 1, A detestatione et biasmo dell ira; chapter 2, Como la patientia ene grande Victoria et singnioria et como per tre Rasuini li sancti seglorano nelle tribulatinni....
Dates: 1400 - 1425