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Manuscripts, Arabic

Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 16 Collections and/or Records:

المزامير المقدسة. al-Mazāmīr al-muqaddasah, 916-917 C.E.; 304 A.H.

Identifier: BV 47

Copy of the Psalms with 9 other prayers at the end. Leaves are missing at the beginning; the first complete Psalm is number 4.

Dates: 916-917 C.E.; 304 A.H.

دلائل الخيرات و شوارق الانوار في ذكر الصلوة على النبي المختار. Dalāʼil al-khayrāt wa shawāriq al-anwār fī dhikr al-ṣalāh ʻalá al-nabī al-mukhtār, 1750-1850 C.E.; 1163-1266 A.H.

Identifier: BV 62

Lacunose copy of the prayer book. It is missing several leaves at the beginning. One loose bifolium of noncontiguous leaves, probably from the quire missing at the beginning, is laid in at the front. A few marginal notes, one in Persian.

Dates: 1750-1850 C.E.; 1163-1266 A.H.

دلائل الخيرات و شوارق الانوار في ذكر الصلوة على النبي المختار. Dalāʼil al-khayrāt wa shawāriq al-anwār fī dhikr al-ṣalāh ʻalá al-nabī al-mukhtār, 1700-1799 C.E.; 1111-1214 A.H.

Identifier: BV 201

Small, lacunose copy of the prayer book with the text in a circular border; pages missing at the end with one loose bifolium laid in at the back.

Dates: 1700-1799 C.E.; 1111-1214 A.H.

سيرة النبي محمد. Sīrat al-Nabī Muḥammad, 1838 C.E.; 1254 A.H.

Identifier: BV 57

Short account of the life of the Prophet Muḥammad with extensive commentarial marginalia. The margins are 65-80 mm wide on each side with commentary written in angled paragraphs, numbered individually.

Dates: 1838 C.E.; 1254 A.H.

مصحف جليل فيه. Muṣḥaf jalīl fīhi ...., 950 C.E.; 388-399 A.H.

Identifier: BV 69

Incomplete copy of a collection of homilies and saints' and martyrs' lives. This manuscript is part of a now-dispersed manuscript written at Mt. Sinai. The table of contents (f. 3v-4r) lists 22 works, but only portions of the first and fourth are present in this manuscript. A set of 8 leaves on paper (170 x 160 mm) have been added in a later hand and include the incomplete story of the martyrdoms of Anbā Qūris, Yuḥannā, the three virgins and their mother.

Dates: 950 C.E.; 388-399 A.H.

هذا كتاب شرح مشارق. Hādhā kitāb sharḥ Mashāriq, 1753 C.E.; 1166 A.H.

Identifier: BV 54

Commentary on al-Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad al-Saghānī's Mashāriq al-anwār. Table of contents included before the text.

Dates: 1753 C.E.; 1166 A.H.