Delaware Draft Counseling and Education Service, Inc. Records
Scope and Contents
This collection includes the administrative files of the Delaware Draft Counseling and Education Services, Inc. and general reference material about conscientious objection and draft resistance during the Vietnam war. Also included are counseling files from various men who consulted the DDCES about their draft status. These files are restricted. The collection also contains the files of draft counselor Barbara Kerner.
- Creation: Majority of material found within 1966-1991
- Delaware Draft Counseling & Education Service, Inc. (Organization)
Language of Material
Materials are in English.
Restrictions on Access
Conditions Governing Use
Draft counseling records are restricted until 2057.
Historical note
The Delaware Draft Counseling and Educational Service (DDCES), was organized in early 1969 with offices in Wilmington and Newark, Delaware. An initial seminar for those interested in draft counselor training was held in November of 1968, and co-sponsored by the Council of Churches of Wilmington and New Castle County (Delaware). The organization was incorporated in Delaware in 1970. It provided men who had been drafted by the Selective Service System... with information about the draft and their options within that system. The DDCES also provided information on the draft, individual rights under Selective Service laws and how to file for deferments and alternatives to the draft. When registration for men at 18 years of age became law in 1980, DDCES provided education, counseling, and services about the Selective Service System requirements and how to establish conscientious objection status. DDCES staff co-operated with other local and Philadelphia-area peace organizations such as CCCO, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and Pacem in Terris. DDCES' relationship with Pacem in Terris was sometimes strained over differing tactics and direction. Draft counselor Barbara Kerner lead DDCES through the 1980s and the organization's demise.
See moreExtent
4 linear ft. (4 linear ft.)
The Delaware Draft Counseling and Educational Service (DDCES), was organized in early 1969 with offices in Wilmington and Newark, Delaware. It provided men who had been drafted by the Selective Service System with information about the draft and their options within that system. The DDCES also provided information on the draft, individual rights under Selective Service laws and how to file for deferments and alternatives to the draft. With the end of the draft and beginning of registration in 1980, DDCES provided education, counseling, and services on how to establish conscientious objection status. DDCES staff co-operated with other local and Philadelphia-area peace organizations such as CCCO, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and Pacem in Terris. The organization ended some time in the mid to late 1980s.
This collection is unprocessed. The major portion of the records [Acc. 08A-038] are arranged in boxes 1-9. Box 10 contains the records of Ernie Mabrey 2005 [Acc. 05A-041and the files of Barbara Kerner [Acc. 07A-063].
Custodial History
The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for these records.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Gift of Ernie Mabrey 2005 [Acc. 05A-041]; Winifred Kerner, 2007 [Acc. 07A-063]; Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 2008 [Acc. 08A-038].
Separated Materials
Draft Information Center Newsletter (Philadelphia) removed to the Periodical collection.
Legal Status
Copyright to the records created by this organization has been transferred to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Copyright to all other materials is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Local Note
Records show involvement with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and Newark (DE) Meeting peace committees.
Processing Information
This collection is unprocessed. This finding aid was created by Wendy E. Chmielewski, June 2010.
- Kerner, Barbara Brooks, 1922-2007 (Person)
- Delaware Draft Counseling & Education Service, Inc. (Organization)
- Conscientious Objectors -- Delaware -- History -- Sources
- Conscientious Objectors -- United States -- History -- Sources
- Draft resisters -- Delaware -- History -- Sources
- Draft resisters -- United States -- History -- Sources
- Quakers -- Delaware -- History -- Sources
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Draft resisters -- Delaware -- History -- Sources
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
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