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John Greenleaf Whittier Research Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-146

Scope and Contents

This collection contains copies and transcripts of Whittier papers not held by Friends Historical Library, as well as printed Whittier writings, articles on Whittier, and other reference material.


  • Creation: 1937-1957


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research. All or part of this collection is stored off-site. Contact Friends Historical Library staff at at least two weeks in advance of visit to request boxes.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce items in this collection beyond the bounds of Fair Use or other exemptions to copyright law must be obtained from the copyright holder or their heirs/assigns. See

Biographical / Historical

C. Marshall (Caleb Marshall) Taylor (1884-1957) was a Quaker businessman and book collector, of Montclair, New Jersey. His particular interest was the Quaker poet and abolitionist, John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892).


13.5 linear ft. (24 boxes)

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C. Marshall (Caleb Marshall) Taylor (1884-1957) was a Quaker businessman and book collector, of Montclair, New Jersey. His particular interest was the Quaker poet and abolitionist, John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892). This collection contains chiefly of copies and transcripts of Whittier papers not held by Friends Historical Library, as well as printed Whittier writings, articles on Whittier, and other reference material.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Accession information

Donor: Estate of C. Marshall Taylor, 1958

The collection was given by the estate of C. Marshall Taylor who was a collector of Whittier books and related materials.

Related Materials

See also:

  1. Whittier Manuscripts, MSS 044
  2. C. Marshall (Caleb Marshall) Taylor Papers, RG 5/147

Processing Information

A large collection of Whittier letters and books were presented to FHL by Charles F. Jenkins before 1948. Gifts and purchases were added to this collection, 1940-1958. In 1958, C. Marshall Taylor left the remainder of his Whittier collection to FHL. All of these materials were integrated in 1957-1958 into one collection. In 1961, the Whittier correspondence and related manuscript material (10 boxes and 2 volumes), including items given by C. Marshall Taylor, were removed to become a separate manuscript collection, the Whittier Manuscripts. In 1963, the remainder of C. Marshall Taylor's collection (primarily photocopies and secondary materials) were removed to Record Group 5. This collection was previously cited as Whittier-Taylor Papers.

The collection was largely arranged and indexed by Taylor, a New Jersey businessman who became a Whittier collector and scholar.

In 2023, the collection was prepared to send off-site. As part of that process, several boxes were consolidated into larger cartons; as a result, the following boxes no longer exist: box 8, box 10, or box 12. The carbon copies of the typewritten copies of Whittier letters (the former boxes 5a and 5b) were deaccessioned. Duplicate copies of publications, including the National Era, where also deaccessioned at this time.

John Greenleaf Whittier Research Papers, 1937-1957
FHL staff
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