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A-F, 1920

 File — Box: 12, Folder: 5

Scope and Contents

All Friends Conference (Vince Nicholson). [asks Rufus M. Jones to serve on business committee for conference to be held in London in August], 1920 March 27; All Friends Conference. Extract of a letter from Henry Hodgkin to Edward Grubb. [thrust of conference should be on peace testimony and other matters which should be mapped out in advance], 1920 June 3; All Friends Conference (Clarence Pickett), 1920; All Friends Conference (Gilbert Bowles to Hubert Peet) [re proceedings of the Conference], 1920; American Encyclopedia of Christianity (J. Cullen Ayer). [hopes Rufus M. Jones will contribute articles for the encyclopedia, specifically on history of Friends], 1920 August 25; American Friends Service Committee (William A. Albright). [re Friends' work in Poland], 1920 January 28; American Friends Service Committee (William A. Albright) [contains list of delegates to the second All Friends Conference], 1920 October 12; American Friends Service Committee (F.P. Keppel). [asks if problem of starving Germans in Switzerland falls under support of American Friends Service Committee], 1920 February 12; American Friends Service Committee (Donald Bearman). [talk entitled "Idealists in Prison or Conscientious Objectors" given by Bearman in Paris], 1920 February 9; American Friends Service Committee (Francis Birrell). [preparing a history of the mission in France], 1920 February 27; American Friends Service Committee (Howard H. Brinton). [planning to organize a relief effort for Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Germany to which German organizations are willing to turn over money raised by them -- this may have the happy result of international amity], 1920; American Friends Service Committee (Henry J. Cadbury). (possibly written in 1921). [complex issue of American Friends working with English Friends or as part of Hoover program causing a good deal of bitterness among English Friends], 1920 July 4; American Friends Service Committee (Arthur M. Charles). [discussion of continuation of German work for another year the subject of a conference in Berlin; wants to be the one to promote the need for instruction in consular and diplomatic service in colleges], 1920 April 26; American Friends Service Committee (Julian Rips, Director of German Corresponding Bureau for foreign universities and student affairs). [would like Rufus M. Jones's opinion on the re-establishment of international student relationships with scientists with no political overtones], 1920; American Friends Service Committee (A. Ruth Fry). [wants to talk with him about the Polish relief situation], 1920 April 9; American Friends Service Committee (A. Ruth Fry). [has been named commissioner to replace William Albright], 1920 May 11; American Friends Service Committee (Jesse Holmes). [no money has recently been received for the Serbian unit], 1920 May 3; American Friends Service Committee (Fridtjof Nansen). [acting for League of Nations, went to Russia to negotiate with Soviet Government for repatriation of German and Austrian prisoners; appealing for aid from American Friends Service Committee to help those who will not have been returned before winter sets in; he has formed an agency, Nansen Relief, to distribute supplies to at least 80,000 men], 1920 September 18; American Friends Service Committee (George Nasmyth). [would like to have particulars of Herbert Hoover's offer to buy supplies at cost and ship without expense in order to send appeal to churches for aid to Germany and Austro-Hungary], 1920 February 5; American Friends Service Committee (Vince Nicholson). [would like to join German unit], 1920 January 11; American Friends Service Committee (Drew Pearson). (Possibly 1919). [part of his "Serbian" diary about obtaining and distributing supplies], 1920; American Friends Service Committee (Henry S. Pratt). [having arrived in Berlin and then Austria, he gives description of ways in which aid and medical attention distributed], 1920 January 11; American Friends Service Committee (Henry S. Pratt). [further word on personnel and administration of relief work in Germany], 1920 February 14; American Friends Service Committee (Henry S. Pratt). [has little esteem for most of the English Friends involved in relief work as being unadaptable, poor manners], 1920 March 28; American Friends Service Committee (Alfred G. Scattergood), 1920 March 15; American Friends Service Committee (Lee Somers). [means by which views of Friends could influence the public through a daily newspaper], 1920; American Friends Service Committee (Tom Sykes). [making preparations for the arrival of Rufus M. Jones and Herbert Hoover in Portland, Maine], 1920; American Friends Service Committee (Wilbur K. Thomas). [states fact that Herbert Hoover has asked American Friends Service Committee to take over American Relief Administration work and administer all child feeding work in Europe and that American Friends Service Committee has agreed], 1920 June 25; American Friends Service Committee (Wilbur K. Thomas). [rescind of above transfer which has caused embarrassment, but will allow them to enter Russia as soon as way opens], 1920 June 29; American Friends Service Committee (Frank Walser). [feels his knowledge of agriculture and machinery will be useful in Russian work, now that Polish work coming to a close; feels bringing books to Poland, which has paucity, important politically], 1920 July 20; American Friends Service Committee (Carolena Wood). [declines service in Germany], 1920 February 21; All Friends (Margaret H. Bacon). [the substance of the conference was on the challenge of Quakerism and influence of some "consecrated" persons], 1920; Barlow, Anna. [P.M. Lloyd George’s policy of hatred after the war typified by election slogans such as "Hang the Kaiser" and "Make Germany Pay" reflected in peace treaty, unemployment rampant], 1920 December 27; Battey, Thomas J. [sends information re Friends in military during civil war], 1920; Biblical Review (Robert M. Kurtz). [would like Rufus M. Jones to write on Christian mysticism for Review], 1920 June 1; Buffum, Sophie. [Newport Meeting House has been purchased apparently by them to save it from a "disgraceful end" and may be used as library and museum], 1920; Cadbury, Catharine. [tells of how day is spent by William Warder Cadbury at Canton Christian College from her perspective], 1920 May 31; Cadbury, Henry J. Marburg, Germany, 1920 February 8; Crosfield, John D. [re references made by Rufus M. Jones in an article which he feels are inaccurate], 1920 April 17; The Friend (E.B. Reynolds). [hopes he will write stories of biblical heroes for The Friend], 1920 November 6


  • Creation: 1920

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