N-Z, 1918
Scope and Contents
Paige, J.S. [on the impact of Rufus M. Jones's books] (very much represent the feelings expressed in letters from other of Rufus M. Jones's readers), 1918 January 25; Palmer, Frederic. [would Rufus M. Jones write an article on origins of Protestantism] Rufus M. Jones agrees, 1918 February 7; Pennington, Levi, 1918 September 19; Peabody, Francis, 1918; Pennell, Arthur R. [Rufus M. Jones will speak at conference on ministry], 1918 February 24; Penney, Norman. [letters dealing with research information for Rufus M. Jones], 1918 March 1; Rochester Theological Seminary (George Cross). [Rufus M. Jones to be their commencement speaker], 1918 April 25; Rowntree, B. Seebohm. [disappointed with the work of the (English) Ministry for Reconstruction], 1918 December 31; Rowntree, Joseph. [Rufus M. Jones's next volume deals with Benjamin Lundy], 1918 January 8; Scott, Roderick. [in China teaching at newly established Fukien Union Arts College], 1918 August 4; Sharpless, Isaac. [series of modern Quaker books to be produced using both previously published and not-yet published works under Sharpless' editorship], 1918 December 19; Simkin, Robert L. [re reorganization of Friends Foreign Missionary Association], 1918 January 18; Sneath, E. Hershey. [hopes Rufus M. Jones will give lecture at Yale on either Fox or Boehme; would Rufus M. Jones prepare a volume on Fox for a series] Rufus M. Jones agrees, 1918; February 18 Stokes, Joseph, 1918; Sykes, Tom A. [apparently Perry Macy and Wilbur Thomas not working in former capacities for New England Yearly Meeting; requests Rufus M. Jones to come to their conference or send message to be read] Rufus M. Jones does latter., 1918 November 20; Taylor, Charles S. [quotes letter speaking to the difference between American Red Cross and Society of Friends in France], 1918 May 8; Thomas, M. Carey. [letters about administration of Bryn Mawr College, particularly economics and need to change with the times], 1918 February 17; Thomas, M. Carey. [male professors prefer to teach men, so if one of Bryn Mawr College's male professors is allowed to teach elsewhere in addition, his interest will slack off at Bryn Mawr], 1918 September 18; Thompson, J. Dorothea. [reports on the apathy of New Zealand Friends], 1918 September 1; Webb, Kenneth. [expresses impact of Rufus M. Jones's lectures at Haverford on him], 1918; Western Yearly Meeting (Charles M. Reagan). [sends information on Friends' part in the Civil War], 1918 January 5; White, Francis. [hopes Rufus M. Jones will address the Quarterly Meeting in Baltimore], 1918 October 25; White, Richard. [on the publication of a biography of Cyrus Pringle who faced the same problems of conscience as present-day conscientious objectors], 1918; White, Thomas Raeburn. [on war and conscientious objection], 1918 March 20; Whitney, Janet. [hopes he can convert some members of New York Monthly Meeting from idea that reconstruction work is a "nice easy backstairs out of military service for young men who don't want to fight"], 1918 April 4; Wood, Edith L. to Isaac Sharpless. [Violet Oakley, working on murals for Harrisburg would like confirmation of a story about a Friend's involvement in the emancipation of a ship of enslaved people through its diversion to Nova Scotia--if true, Oakley would use the story for her painting], 1918 May 30; World Conference on Faith and Order. [further organization toward the eventual world conference], 1918 November 29; Young Friends Activities of the Five Years Meeting. [at a conference of Young Friends, there is a plan to discuss the fundamentals of Quakerism to deal with questions such as why God has permitted war, etc.], 1918 March 7
- Creation: 1918
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