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Haverford College Improvement Company cash book, 1910-1940

 Item — Volume: 107

Scope and Contents

This cash book details the operation of College Lane housing from 1910 to 1940. The book was maintained by Treasurer of the Corporation Asa S. Wing (1910-1916) and his successor J. Henry Scattergood (1916-1940). Left-hand page entries consist almost entirely of detailed lists of rents by name, house number, date paid, and amount. The right-hand pages detail the expenses of maintaining each of the housing units. The housing units included 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 College Lane from 1910-1922; beginning in 1922-1923, 6 and 7 College Lane, which had been built and maintained by the College, were added.

(Adapted from a report by G. Richard Wynn, Emeritus Vice President of Finance and Administration)


  • Creation: 1910-1940

Access Restrictions

Haverford College financial records are closed for a period of 25 years from the date of the creation of the record.

Historical Note

When a key piece of land on the south side of College Lane extending from the Duck Pond to Lancaster Pike, known as the Warner Tract, became available for purchase, the College lacked the resources to buy the land. Board of Managers members David Scull, Justus Strawbridge, Richard Wood, and Francis Stokes acquired the property in 1886. As part of the arrangement with the four Board members, referred to as the "Warner Syndicate," Haverford College provided a loan of $25,000 with 4.5% interest. $2500 of this loan was applied to the purchase price, and the remaining $22,500 was mortgaged at 4% through the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society. The College also agreed to have its treasurer maintain all accounting records of the syndicate, separate from the books of the College. The Syndicate began building houses and renting them to faculty members and their families in 1887. The College was deeded the land and housing in 1900 and the Syndicate turned over the remaining debt to the College in 1910. After this time, the administration of housing fell under the aegis of the Haverford College Improvement Company.

(Adapted from a report by G. Richard Wynn, Emeritus Vice President of Finance and Administration)

Related Materials

Volumes 106 and 117 and "Improvement Company records, 1910-1945" sub-series in "Financial records, 1830-2016" series.

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