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A-F, 1919

 File — Box: 12, Folder: 2

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All Friends Conference (Edward Backhouse) to W. Blair Neatby. [answers basic questions concerning the conference], 1919 January 13; All Friends Conference (V.D. Nicholson) to L.H. Wood. [in order to spur enough interest in America for the conference, does Wood think American Friends Service Committee would be the best arm for publicity], 1919 February 10; American Friends Service Committee (Lillie F. Rhoads). [letters received by Rhoads which she feels may be used to raise money from non-Friends for American Friends Service Committee containing descriptions of relief and reconstruction work in France and description of maternity hospital in Chalons], 1919; American Friends Service Committee (Dorothy Walton) [wants to work in Russia, but would like Rufus M. Jones's opinion on her qualifications], 1919 January 30; American Friends Service Committee (Charles Rhoads). [V.D. Nicholson and others arrived (in France) from London ready to work. Ruth Fry and Thompson Elliott returning from America having been unable to see President Wilson], 1919 January 1; American Friends Service Committee (A. Ruth Fry). [glad American Friends Service Committee will cooperate with her agency, Friends War Victims Relief Committee, especially with work in Germany; glad Americans may join their Polish unit; request for workers in Serbia has come through], 1919 May ?; American Friends Service Committee (Carolena Wood). [some profit from Record of a Quaker's Conscience, Cyrus Pringle's diary, to be given to American Friends Service Committee; she wishes very much to be of service in Germany], 1919 February 6; American Friends Service Committee (Walter Woodward) to Wilbur Thomas. [there will be a meeting to determine future of American Friends Service Committee -- Woodward feels it should be made permanent, presenting ideas for future organization], 1919 February 18; American Friends Service Committee (Victor McNaught). [encloses article he wrote for "New York Evening Mail" on the work of American Friends Service Committee, including interview with Rufus M. Jones], 1919 March 3; American Friends Service Committee (James A. Babbitt). [has found and arranged for a tuberculosis sanitorium in Germany], 1919 March 4; American Friends Service Committee (Douglas?). [re some Russian friends who might be interested in the Russian reconstruction unit], 1919 March 9; American Friends Service Committee (Morris E. Leeds). [feels service committee too much in the hands of Philadelphians to be truly representative of all Friends in the country], 1919 March 13; American Friends Service Committee (A. Ruth Fry). [describes how grain was purchased for famine relief in Russia], 1919 March 27; American Friends Service Committee (Alison M. Fox). [describes relief work in Poland], 1919 April 1; American Friends Service Committee (Charles J. Rhoads). [on relief work in France and need for more men; hopes a new president of Bryn Mawr may be found from among Friends before Miss Taft is appointed], 1919 April 16; American Friends Service Committee (Charles J. Rhoads). [J.H. Scattergood had an interview with Herbert Hoover, but it opened no doors, though Hoover changed his attitude later, possibly because of endorsement of Friends' work by Jane Addams, and saw Hoover again who promised to give them his special food commission passport. Addams to work for Friends; surveys of needs being made in Vienna and Warsaw], 1919 May 10; American Friends Service Committee (J. Henry Scattergood). [timetable for work in France; hopes America and France can work together in Germany as they have in France, though Rachel Braithwaite who would be in charge seems to be difficult to cooperate with; any spare money should be used for starving German children; summarizes field reports from Poland, Vienna, Serbia, Chalons Maternity Hospital], 1919 May 29; American Friends Service Committee (F.P. Keppel, 3rd assistant secretary of war dept.) [are there cases, other than Sgt. New York, who were religiously opposed to war, but when given an opportunity to decide for themselves, chose to serve and became good soldiers], 1919 June 5; American Friends Service Committee (J. Edmund Harvey). [feels it an honor to collaborate on a history of Friends' work in France], 1919 June 10; American Friends Service Committee (Charles Rhoads). [continued delay in beginning Hoover's German relief plan, and if Carolena Wood and a group including Jane Addams are unable to buy food from Hoover, Wood will join English and French for the work; re proposed construction of new maternity hospital at Chalons], 1919 June 19; American Friends Service Committee (William W. Comfort), 1919; American Friends Service Committee (Wilbur K. Thomas), 1919 July 7; American Friends Service Committee (Charles Rhoads) [building program going so well, they are looking a little further afield], 1919 July 12; American Friends Service Committee (Charles Jenkins, J.H. Scattergood and Stanley Yarnall). [report synopsis of meeting of committee to decide on future of American Friends Service Committee and appointment of a permanent secretary], 1919; American Friends Service Committee (J. Henry Scattergood). [apparently HJC has publicly associated Herbert Hoover's name with Friends' cause, specifically citing publication stating Hoover would give Jane Addams et al passports to Germany], 1919 July 23; American Friends Service Committee (Rosa E. Lee). [concerning her mission work in Palestine], 1919 July 23; American Friends Service Committee (Vincent Nicholson). [he will continue as chief of the Friends Bureau of the American Red Cross (in France), if it is desired, but would like to return if not, perhaps to re-enter his former law office], 1919 August 15; American Friends Service Committee (Howard Brinton). [German shipment of clothing sent--100 cases which the Relief Agency is handling for them; supplies and two doctors for Serbia], 1919 August 16; American Friends Service Committee (S.E. Nicholson). [sees utilization of young workers in France as inspiring speakers at Friends Meetings who would keep idea of service fresh], 1919 August 17; American Friends Service Committee (John R. Cary). [reminds Rufus M. Jones of contributions possible from among members of Baltimore Yearly Meeting in providing leadership, and that Wilbur K. Thomas is certainly the best man for executive secretary of American Friends Service Committee], 1919 August 26; American Friends Service Committee (Harrison Barrow). [has been made chairman of committee overseeing relief work in Europe and hopes they can work with American Friends Service Committee], 1919 September 26; American Friends Service Committee (Paul J. Furnas). [Clarence Pickett will be traveling to all colleges having any Friends for vocational counseling], 1919 September 30; American Friends Service Committee (Wilbur K. Thomas) [meeting is called to discuss request of Herbert Hoover that American Friends Service Committee become his agents for distribution of relief to children of Germany], 1919 October 30; American Friends Service Committee (Wilbur K. Thomas) [description of foreign service work of American Friends Service Committee and desire to have young Friends engaged in described types of domestic service; "Service" magazine is being issued, meant to be an alumni bulletin for returning workers], 1919 October ?; American Friends Service Committee (V. Nicholson). [describes Service work in Poland], 1919 November 18; American Friends Service Committee (W.K. Thomas). [conference with some English Friends to take place in Richmond, preparatory to All Friends following year], 1919 November ?; American Friends Service Committee (Henry S. Pratt). [tells of personnel assignments in Germany and some activities], 1919 December 19; American Friends Service Committee (T.W. Lamont). [re subscriptions toward the erection of an American-made statue memorializing the French stand against the Germans on the Marne], 19129 December 26; Amherst College (Alexander Meiklejohn). [Rufus M. Jones will be preaching at Amherst], 1919 October 28; Brayshaw, A. Neave. [plans to visit Philadelphia and Baltimore Yearly Meeting], 1919 March 18; Brayshaw, A. Neave. [Yearly Meeting dealt with conscientious objectors who did not conform in practice to their Quaker conventions and other matters, including the League of Nations], 1919 May 27; Cadbury, Henry J. [he has declined job of secretary of (F.H.A.?), neither has a call to teach or study elsewhere; he had been thinking of volunteering to work in France as pastoral visitor or office supervisor because since war, the heroism of staying here has disappeared], 1919 January 1; Fellowship of Reconciliation (Gilbert Beaver and Norman Thomas), 1919; Five Years Meeting. [re petition recommending that a small committee be sent to Mexico to study the results of a possible intervention by the U.S. in affairs of Mexico], 1919 September 18; Fry, Joan Mary. [is going to do service work in Germany; praise for the work of Carolena Wood], 1919 November 25


  • Creation: 1919

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