N-Z, 1929
Scope and Contents
Newman, George. [inspirational visit to Middle East], 1929 January 27; Nichols, Robert Hastings. [Rufus M. Jones has agreed to give the Russell Lectures at Auburn Theological Seminary], 1924 February 2; Northwestern University (Baker Brownell). [status of "New World Series" in 12 volumes to which Rufus M. Jones was a contributor], 1929 March 4; Oak Grove Seminary (Eva Pratt Owen). [activities at the school; hopes to have Lou Henry Hoover at their commencement exercises], 1929 January 21; Oakley, Violet. [invitation to view paintings by Oakley on the life of Moses], 1929; Page, Kirby. India "Mahatma Gandhi's Ashram" (duplicated letter) [he has visited Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore among others; gives a detailed description of visit with all of them, particularly the former], 1929 December 4; Peabody, Francis, 1929; Peet, Hubert. [glad Rufus M. Jones will give an address on the BBC], 1929 March 8; Pendle Hill (Henry Hodgkin). (duplicated letter) [emerging plans for Pendle Hill, including courses of study], 1929 November 20; Pickard, Bertram. Geneva, [glad Rufus M. Jones will be in Geneva in January and will give a talk on Penn and Pennsylvania], 1929 December 4; Pickett, Clarence. [re their move from Earlham to Philadelphia], 1929 May 1; Mendenhall, W.O., 1929; Roberts, A.W. Rymer. Cambridge England, [glad Rufus M. Jones is coming and wishes him to speak at their meeting] (Rufus M. Jones sends date of his arrival), 1929 August 11; Robinson, Edna. [sends postcard from her son, Charles, which speaks of the influence Rufus M. Jones has had on him while at Haverford College], 1929; Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 1929; Silcock, Harry T. [pleasure experienced reading Rufus M. Jones's new book "Trail of Life in College," re their discussion on Wider Quaker Fellowship idea, thinks such a movement should begin in India, China and Japan and that there should be a leaflet which describes Quakerism "without labelling it" to avoid appearance of propaganda], 1929 September 16; Sippell, Theodor. In German. [impact Rufus M. Jones's presence at Woodbrooke made on his daughter; Sippell's publications], 1929 October 19; Southern California, University of (John Fisher). [Rufus M. Jones will be giving a series of lectures and Fisher needs to know his topics. Rufus M. Jones makes list on the letter], 1929 January 14; Southern California, University of (John Fisher). [appreciative comments on Rufus M. Jones's lectures which will be published by Abingdon Press], 1929 April 12; Speight, Harold. [sends his preface to Rufus M. Jones's life of George Fox], 1929 November 7; Stimson, Henry L. (Secretary of State). ["I have received your letter of April 17 with reference to Mr. William T. Ellis of Swarthmore, and shall bear it in mind when the question of such appointments comes before me"], 1929 April 18; Swarthmore College (F. Aydelotte). [appreciates address Jones gave at the opening of their Biddle Library], 1929 May 7; Taylor, Ernest, 1929; Thomas, M. Carey. Letter with annotation. ["No one can have traveled abroad as much as I have without realizing the terrible menace of the Catholic Church to independent thoughtstudy of social problems;" "women as well as men on a Board of Trustees of a college should themselves be college graduates"; inestimable value of Rufus M. Jones as a Board member], 1929 April 26; Thurman, Howard. La Grange, GA. [thanks Jones for huge enrichment of his life during past 5 months; received paper on St. Francis; would like letters to Heiler and certain Friends at Woodbrooke and York], 1929 June 4; Wellesley College (Seal Thompson). [impact Rufus M. Jones made on his audience], 1929 May 5; Underhill, Evelyn (Evelyn Moore, Theological Editor of "The Spectator"). [would like Rufus M. Jones to write an article on silent worship for the magazine] (Rufus M. Jones agrees), 1929 June 7; Vanderbilt University, School of Religion (O.E. Brown). [thanks for sermon Rufus M. Jones gave at commencement], 1929 June 10; Van Dusen, Harry P. Union Theological Seminary, [requests that Rufus M. Jones write an article on what he believes about prayer] (Rufus M. Jones did write it), 1929 June 27; Wood, Herbert G. [on George Fox research of Theodor Sippell; re Horace Alexander], 1929 January 14; Woolley, Mary E. (Pres., Mt. Holyoke), 1929; Woolston, Hannah. [may Jones’ name be used again as patrons of their Birth Control Conference], 1929 November ?
- Creation: 1929
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