A-F, 1928
Scope and Contents
American Friend (Walter C. Woodward). [requests Rufus M. Jones to contribute editorials to American "Friend"], 1928 January 30; American Friends Service Committee (Ray Newton). [Arthur Mekeel wants to join Peace Caravans], 1928 January 25; American Friends Service Committee (Guy Solt). [upset by news of Rufus M. Jones’s resignation as chairman of American Friends Service Committee, with appreciation of his work], 1928 April 11; American Friends Service Committee (Ray Newton). [agenda for Peace Section includes question of extent that the Pocono Manor Peace Conference should be open to African Americans], 1928 May 16; American Friends Service Committee (Wilbur K. Thomas). [Rufus M. Jones will be made honorary chairman and ex-officio member of all committees], 1928 June 8; American Friends Service Committee (Wilbur K. Thomas). [American Friends Service Committee will make a statement in regard to Hoover's able assistance through American Relief Association with American Friends Service Committee German child feeding work; Jack Hoyland will be offered chair at Earlham by way of American Friends Service Committee search], 1928 August 7; American Friends Service Committee (Charles J. Rhoads). [maintaining American Friends Service Committee after conclusion of relief work will keep Friends together or revival if another emergency arises], 1928 November 22; American Friends Service Committee (Clement Biddle). [on unlikelihood of raising large funds for American Friends Service Committee in New York], 1928 November 27; American Friends Service Committee (Wilbur K. Thomas). [on his replacement as executive secretary, a topic which caused some tension], 1928 December 28; Appasamy, A.J. Pallavaram, India, 1928 October 18; Audi, Elias. Ram Allah, Palestine, 1928 December 22; Ayusawa, Iwao. Geneva, [introduces Setsuichi Aoki, Director of Tokyo Office of League of Nations; will be traveling on a mission through Russia and Far East], 1928 October 3; Barlow, Anna, 1928; Battey, William. Geneva, 1928; Boone, Nelle Burgess. Pyeng Yang, Korea, 1928 June 15; Bowles, Minnie P. [personal news from Japan], 1928 September 4; Brayshaw, A. Neave, 1928; Brockbank, Elisabeth. [thanks Rufus M. Jones for foreword to her book on Richard Hubberthorne], 1928 December 14; Brown University (W.H.P. Faunce, president), 1928 June 9; Bryn Mawr College (Marion Park, president), 1928; Cadbury, Emma. Vienna, [news from Vienna and use of League of Nations in settling the issues surrounding Chinese invasion], 1928 January 10; Cadbury, William Warder. Canton, [anti-foreign feeling is disappearing in China and, in fact, there seems to be a desire foreign help], 1928 February 27; Cadbury, William Warder. printed letter from Lingnan University Hospital, Canton, China., 1928; Central Offices (John L. Nickalls), 1928 January 17; Central Offices (Norman Penney), 1928 September 6; Chinese Students Christian Association. [Rufus M. Jones elected a member of the Committee of advisers of the Chinese Student Association], 1928 September 13; Commission on the Coordination of Efforts for Peace (Ernest H. Wilkins). [Rufus M. Jones asked to become a member of the Commission which he accepts], 1928 April 28; Crossley, Margaret Rowntree. [re death of her mother, Connie Rowntree], 1928 March 15; Dickinson College (J.H. Moran, president), 1928; Foreign Missions Conference of North America (Leslie B. Moss), 1928 January 7; Fosdick, Harry Emerson. [Rufus M. Jones will take Fosdick’s place preaching at Park Ave. Baptist Church while latter at Harvard], 1928 December 3; Fraser, Henry S. [re emigration of Nazarenes; wishes to have conference to include Herbert Hoover to acquaint him with the situation of the Nazarenes whose doctrines are similar to the Quakers], 1929 January 2; Furness, Clifton J. [there is evidence that Walt Whitman's "early hearing of Quaker language had a distinct effect upon his poetry and diction"], 1928 December 22
- Creation: 1928
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