Scope and Contents
1. Tappan, Benjamin, 1773-1857. Steubenville, 1826-1827. 3 items. [Asks and receives mineral specimens] 2. Thomas, David, 1762-1831. Greatfield (Scipio, N.Y.) 6mo. 29, 1819. [Concerns use of plaster as fertilizer; cattle shows, etc.] 3. Thompson, Jonah. Phila., March 7, 1817. [Concerns proper arrangements for launching a young man in life] 4. Thornton, William, M.D., 1759-1828. Washington, Oct. 16, 1814. Acknowledges election as correspondent] 5. Tieknor, George, 1791-1871. (copy) Boston, Oct. 19, 1830. [Concerns choice of teachers for a school to be started in Phila.; mentions Mr. Alcott of Boston] (Also on this sheet, copy of letter from Joseph Tuckerman, Boston, Oct. 22, 1831, and extract from letter from William Russell, Phila., Jan. 26, 1831) 6. Tidyman, Philip, M.D., 1777?-1850. Charleston, Feb. 18, 1823. [Sends samples of grains and flower cuttings, etc.] 7. Troost, Gerard, 1776-1850. Pittsburgh, Cape Sable, Baltimore, 1813-1821. 6 items. (Letters addressed to M. Parmantier, v.p. of Acad., Dr. John Barnes, Messrs. T. Speakman and Thomas Say, and Reuben Haines) [Sends specimens of minerals from Pittsburgh, with account of many substances to be found in that region; suggests articles needed from France, viz., microscope, books; sends bird specimens and amber from Cape Sable; is hurt, in 1818, to learn that Acad. is publishing a Journal, but has not let him know; will contribute articles; says he lost his lab by fire; discusses lignite and iron; solicits R. H.'s interest in starting a course of lectures on mineralogy in Phila.; also asks if he knows anyone who would like to be partner in apothecary's shop] 8. Troughtom, Edward. London, Sept., 1824. [Addressed to Capt. Robinson, New England Coffeehouse; accompanies a barometer for Reuben Haines] 9. Trumbull, John, 1756-1843. New York, Jan. 27, 1824. [Concerns a miniature loaned by R. H., so head could be used in a group painting] 10. Tyson, Philip T . Baltimore, Feb. 20 May 20, 1826. 2 items. [Describes a new kind of roofing material made of oiled canvas; requests a book on conchology for the Baltimore Academy]
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