Box 2
Contains 6 Results:
File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents
1. Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah, M.D. New York, 1820-1824. 4 items. [Sends two packages and encloses a letter, from M. Cloquet and Dr. Mitchell; sends his own "Essay on Salt" and some rock specimens from the Erie Canal region; forwards a parcel from Dr. Greville of Edinburgh and Prof. Hooker of Glasgow]
2. Vanuxem, Lardner, 1792-1848. Paris, Sept. 24 Nov. 27, 1817. [Forwards materials to Acad.; says he has arranged for exchange of
Journals with the School of Mines; requests that M. Lefroy be...
File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents
1. Walker, George Henry. Longford, Feb. 8, 1828.
2. Wallich, N. Murzapore, Oct. 21, 1820. Letter addressed to John Cryder, Calcutta. [Acknowledges election as correspondent of Academy; says the Botanical Garden will be glad to furnish seeds and plants upon request; is sending a package of botanical books for the Academy]
3. Warner, John C . Gloucester, N.J., Dec. 16, 1820. [Sends collection of plants from Delaware and Maryland]
4. Webster, Dr. [John White] 1793-1850. Boston, Jan. 18, 1822....
File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents
1. Zollickoffer, William, M.D. Middleburg, Md., Mar. 12, 1824. [Sends a copy of his, "Remarks on the Euphorbia Hypericifolia;" would like to hear from the Academy]
Correspondence of Caspar Wistar Haines
File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents
A. From Morris Birkbeck (1764-1825) Wanborough, near Guildford, Surrey, 6mo. 30, 1794. B. From R[ebecca], Jones (1739-1818) Burlington, l0mo. 4, 1798. [Speaks of Friends in Phila. being smitten with fever] C. From Alice Needham. Salem, 1mo. 17, 1793.
File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents
A. Letter to Dr. Caspar Morris from Wm. Carey. Calcutta, Nov. 25, 1827. [Concerns offer from Reuben Haines of native American plants]
B. Letter to Hugh Hartshorne, Rahway, N.J., from Reuben Haines. Germantown, 6mo. 13, 1818. [Concerns farm animals]
C. Letter to Hannah Haines, from George Vaux. Phila., July 3, 1805.
D. Letters to Wm. Phiquepal, New Harmony, Illinois, from J. H. Roberjot. Phila., Feb. 28 July 12, 1827. 2 items.
E. From Miers Fisher to cousin. St. Petersburg, Sept. 30 Oct....
File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents
1. Tappan, Benjamin, 1773-1857. Steubenville, 1826-1827. 3 items. [Asks and receives mineral specimens]
2. Thomas, David, 1762-1831. Greatfield (Scipio, N.Y.) 6mo. 29, 1819. [Concerns use of plaster as fertilizer; cattle shows, etc.]
3. Thompson, Jonah. Phila., March 7, 1817. [Concerns proper arrangements for launching a young man in life]
4. Thornton, William, M.D., 1759-1828. Washington, Oct. 16, 1814. Acknowledges election as correspondent]
5. Tieknor, George, 1791-1871. (copy)...