Scope and Contents
1. Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah, M.D. New York, 1820-1824. 4 items. [Sends two packages and encloses a letter, from M. Cloquet and Dr. Mitchell; sends his own "Essay on Salt" and some rock specimens from the Erie Canal region; forwards a parcel from Dr. Greville of Edinburgh and Prof. Hooker of Glasgow] 2. Vanuxem, Lardner, 1792-1848. Paris, Sept. 24 Nov. 27, 1817. [Forwards materials to Acad.; says he has arranged for exchange of Journals with the School of Mines; requests that M. Lefroy be made a corresponding member of Phila. Academy] 3. Vassalli-Eandi, Antonmaria, prof. and perpetual secy. of the Royal Academy of Science of Turin. Turin, 1821-1822. 5 items (in French), plus note (in English) of Reuben Haines's reply to Turin's request for specimens of American minerals, Phila., March 5, 1822. [Prof. V. acknowledges receipt of Academy's Journals; asks for news of Dr. Philip Tidyman of Charleston; offers reciprocal help at any time; acknowledges election as correspondent, etc.; sends list of minerals sent to Acad. by Turin] (Sent duplicate copies of first letter) 4. Vaux, Roberts, 1786-1836. [Phila.] 1810-1818. 17 items. [Letters, 1810-11, to Reuben, while Reuben is on trip to New Jersey and New York; 1816 letter concerns building a turnpike in Luzerne Co.; 1818 letter wants stories or information, etc., about Native Americans, for a book he wants to write about their good points]
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