Joseph Tallcot (1/3)
Scope and Contents
Tallcot, Joseph, 1768-1853. Letters from. 59 items, 1788-1853. (1) Manuscript booklet of notes and instructions for caring for farm in winter (presumably while he is away) [n.d.] (2) To [Phebe Field [n.d.] (3) “To my grandchildren” [n.d.] Note: (Rough draft of this, on back of letter from Robert H. Mott) (Bowdlerised version appears in Memoirs, p. 190. Only the first paragraph used, and that changed substantially) (4) To Sarah Hawxhurst, Harrison's Purchase. Hudson, 8mo. 29, 1788. (5) To Sarah Hawxhurst, Harrison's Purchase. Hudson, 9mo. 24, 1788. (6) To Sarah Hawxhurst, Oblong Hudson, 4mo. 28, 1789. (7) To Sarah Hawxhurst, Harrison's Purchase. Hudson, 7mo. 2, 1789. (8) To Sarah Hawxhurst, Harrison's Purchase. Hudson, 7mo. 17, 1789. (9) To Sarah Hawxhurst, Harrison's Purchase. Hudson, 8mo. 5, 1789. (10) To Phebe Field, Amawalk. Westbury, 6mo. 12, 1792. (11) To Phebe Field, Croton. Nine Partners, 10mo. 4, 1798. (12) To Sarah (Hawxhurst) Tallcot, New York. [n.p.] 5mo. 22, 1801. Note: (Edited version, in Memoirs, p. 22.) (13) To Sarah (Hawxhurst) Tallcot, Nine Partners. John Wing's, [n.d.] (Edited version, in Memoirs, p. 28) (14) To Phebe Field, Croton Mills. Nine Partners, 7mo. 24, 1803. (15) To Ebenezer Haight. [n.p.] 7mo. 25, 1803 Note: (Edited version in Memoirs. p. 25) (16) To Sarah Tallcot, Nine Partners. Brownville, 10mo. 2, 1803. Note: (Edited version in Memoirs. p. 29) (17) To Phebe Field, Croton Mills. [n.p.] 2mo. 8, 1805. (18) To Jesse Field, Croton Mills. Nine Partners, 11mo. 23, 1805. (19) To Sarah Tallcot, Nine Partners. Scipio, 2mo. 3, 1806. Note: (Edited version in Memoire. with additions and deletions, p. 38) (20) To Elias Hicks, Nine Partners. Nine Partners, 6mo. 9, 1806. Note: (Edited version in Memoirs. p. 41) (21) To Sarah Tallcot. Nine Partners. Paris, 2mo. 24, 1806. [Tells of travels in ministry] Note: (Edited version in Memoirs. p. 39) (22) To Phebe Field, Croton Mills. Scipio, 9mo. 23, 1806. Note: (Edited version in Memoirs. p. 44) (23) To Abraham I. Underhill, Croton. Scipio, 11mo. 5, 1808. Note: (Edited version in Memoirs. p. 56) Note: To: his aunt. 8mo. 1814 York Town (24) To Abraham I. (and Rebecca) Underhill, York Town. Scipio, 2mo. 14, 1819. Note: (Edited version, in Memoirs.p. 154) (25) To De Witt Clinton, Gov. of New York, Albany. Scipio, 2mo. 18, 1819. [Discusses need for more religious education in schools] Note: (copy) (Bowdlerised version in Memoirs. p. 156) (26) To Report of Publications Committee [of Meeting] on publication of The Friendly Visitant and The Child's Companion. Farmington, Signed by Joseph Tallcot. 7mo. 6, 1819. (27) To [Sarah Tallcot, Scipio. New York, 6mo., 1820. Note: (Edited version in Memoirs. p. 189) (28) To Record of subscriptions to fund for promoting the cause of truth. Signed by Joseph Tallcot. Receipted on back, 1821. (29) To Phebe Field, Scipio. [n.p., ca. 1822] Note: (Edited version, with 2 inaccuracies, p. 199 of Memoirs) (30) To Mahlon Day, New York. Skaneateles, 4mo. 5, 1825. [Discusses book sales, education of Friends' children, conditions found in different parts of country, need for more Friends' Schools] (31) To Robert Underhill. Skaneateles, 2mo. 10, 1826. [Lengthy discussion of education, both temporal and religious. (Severely cut version - more than half deleted - in Memoirs. p. 229)] (32) To Phebe Field, Ledyard. Skaneateles, 8mo. 26, 1826. [Expresses concern over spread of dangerous doctrines] (33) To Samuel Parsons, New York. Skaneateles, 9mo. 13, 1827. [Discusses conflicts in the Society] (34) To N[oah] Worcester. Skaneateles, 3mo. 29, 1830. (35) To Asa Mead, East Hartford, Conn. Skaneateles, 12mo. 30, 1830. [Takes issue with his views on Quakers] Note: (Bowdlerised version, with one change in meaning, in Memoirs. p. 243) (36) To Isaac Collins, Philadelphia. Skaneateles, 7mo. 27, 1833. [Thanks him for his help in starting The Friendly Visitant] (37) To Daniel Tallcot. Syracuse. [n.p.] 10mo. 8, 1842. (38) To Daniel Tallcot, Oswego “At home” 4mo. 28, 1843. (39) Record of journey to Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Burlington, made by Joseph and Sarah Tallcot in 1844. [List of Friends visited] (40).. To Richard Tallcot, Chicago, Ill. (p.m.) Sherwoods Corners, N.Y., 11mo. 5, 1845. [Speaks of division in the Society. Daughter Phebe finishes letter for him] Note: (Edited version, with some inaccuracies, in Memoirs. p. 338) (41) To Richard Mott, Burlington, N.J. Sherwoods Corners, 9mo. 9, 1847. [Discusses importance of religious education, need for First Day Schools; mentions division in Scipio Preparative Meeting] (42) To Sarah C[ollins] Hawxhurst, Burlington, N.J. Sherwoods Corners, 12mo. 14, 1847. (43) To Rebecca Tallcot, Oswego, N.Y. (p.m.) Sherwoods Cornars, 9mo. 3, [ca.1849] [Tells of his visiting schools] (44) To Meeting for Sufferings. [n.p., ca.1849] [Deplores increase of light reading among Friends] (45) To Isaac Collins. Sherwoods Corners, 10mo. 6 [1849] [Tells of grandson, Benjamin Howland, being sent to Haverford; asks him to look him up.] Note: (Edited version in Memoirs. p. 342) (46) To his children. [n.p.] 10mo. 22 [ca. 1849] (47) To [Daniel and Rebecca Tallcot and their children] Oswego. [n.p.] 11mo. 25 [1849] Note: (Edited version in Memoirs. p. 343) (48) To Solomon Griffin Sherwoods Corners, 11mo. 19, 1850. [Concerns arrangements for sale of The Friendly Visitant] (49) To Richard Tallcot, New York. Sherwoods, Mar. 19 [ca. 1851] (50) To a Friend. Sherwood, 8mo. 14, 1852. [Asks help in disposing of a new edition of The Friendly Visitant. ] Note: (Bowdlerized version in Memoirs. p. 343) (51) To Henry Longstreth, Philadelphia. [n.p., ca. 1852] [Concerns education] (52) To Henry Longstreth. Sherwood. 12mo. 6, 1852. [Gives instructions for distribution of gift copies of The Friendly Visitant to libraries of Preparative Meetings in New York Yearly Meeting.] Note: (copy)(Written on back of copy of letter to William Wood concerning same matter) (53) To Sarah (Hawxhurst) Tallcot. [n.p.] 5mo. 29, 1853. [Joseph Tallcot's last letter, written to Sarah Hawxhurst Tallcot, his wife, while she was at Yearly Meeting in New York] Note: (Edited version, in Memoirs. p. 348)
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