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Box 3


Contains 36 Results:

Joseph Tallcot (1/3)

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents Tallcot, Joseph, 1768-1853. Letters from. 59 items, 1788-1853. (1) Manuscript booklet of notes and instructions for caring for farm in winter (presumably while he is away) [n.d.] (2) To [Phebe Field [n.d.] (3) “To my grandchildren” [n.d.] Note: (Rough draft of this, on back of letter from Robert H. Mott) (Bowdlerised version appears in Memoirs, p. 190. Only the first paragraph used, and that changed substantially) (4) To Sarah Hawxhurst, Harrison's Purchase. Hudson, 8mo. 29, 1788. (5) To...

Joseph Tallcot (2/3)

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents

Essays, epistles, articles, notes, manuscript of his Catechism, etc. 76 items (11 items, 65 undated) [“A serious and affectionate address to the pious and influential part of the community in the western parts of the State of New York, relative to a Christian Education and Ardent Spirits,” Scipio, [ca.1800-1853] dated, 1817-1853 Note: 2mo. 15, 1817, appears, with a few inaccuracies in Memoirs. p. 121

Joseph Tallcot (3/3)

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents

[Minutes of the Education Association of Scipio Quarterly Meeting] 6mo. 1834 - 4mo., 1839. (Laid in: Circular about lessons for family of First Day Schools): [Record of Subscriptions to Friends' Publications] ca. 1847. (Laid in: 7 related items)

Joseph Tallcot Jr.

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents

Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Haverford [n.d.] [Comments on lack of piety among Haverford boys]

Mary Jane Tallcot

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents

Letter to mother, Sarah H. Tallcot, Scipio. Oswego, 10mo. 1, 1839. Note: (Letter from [sister?] R., to both parents, on back page) Copy of Queries, with answers, 11mo. 6, 1842.

Phebe Field Tallcot

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents

-Note to her [n.p., signed H. n.d.] -Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Hamburgh [near Buffalo] Skaneateles, 7mo. 15, 1826. -Letter to parents, Washington, Dutchess Co. The Hermitage, 7mo. 7, 1834. -Letter to brother, Richard Tallcot, New York. (p.m.) Sherwoods, 1mo. 4, 1853

Rebecca Tallcot

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents

Letter to Joseph and Sarah Tallcot, Skaneateles. Oswego, 3mo. 26, 1839. [discusses their proposed removal to Scipio] Letter to Joseph and Sarah Tallcot, Sherwoods Corners. Oswego, 8mo. 10, 1840. [Alludes to imminent bankruptcy of Daniel Tallcot's business]

Richard Tallcot

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents

Letters to parents and sister. 7 items, 5mo. 29, 1847 - 4mo. 20, 1857. [Reports on Yearly Meeting of 1847, action in regard to Scipio Quarter; education, the Nine Partners Boarding School, etc.; journey to Ohio and Indiana, to buy hams, etc., for sale at home; trip to Hartford, to hunt for records of ancestors; other matters]

Richard Tallcot Jr.

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents

Letters to Joseph Tallcot. 2 items, Oswego, 4mo. 1, 1840, and 8mo. 14, 1848. [letter of 1848 speaks of hard times] Note: Letter of 1840 has letter from Rebecca Tallcot on same sheet

Sarah E. Tallcot

 File — Box: 3
Scope and Contents

Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Flushing, 2mo. 23,1832