Sarah Hawxhurst Tallcot
Scope and Contents
Combines two old folders
(1) Letters: To Phebe Hawxhurst, Harrison's Purchase. [n.p., n.d.]
-To Joseph Tallcot, Nine Partners. Branch Joint letter from her and Anna Merritt. [n.d.]
-To her children. [n.p., (copy) n.d.]
-To Joseph Tallcot. Hudson. Purchase. 1mo. 28, 1789.
Note: (copy) Her first letter to him, before their marriage
-To Phebe Field, Mamaroneck. Hudson, 10mo. 23, 1789.
-To Phebe Field, Mamoroneck. Nine Partners, 5mo. 15, 1791.
-To [Phebe Field, Croton River. Nine Partners, 9mo. 13, 1792.
-To Phebe Field, Croton Kills. Nine Partners, 3mo. 5, 1795.
-To Phebe Field, Croton Mills. Nine Partners, 11mo. 10, 1796.
-To Phebe Field, Croton Mills. Nine Partners, 1mo., 1799.
-To Phebe Field, Croton Mills. Nine Partners, 10mo. 16, 1800.
-To Phebe Field, Croton Mills. Scipio, 9mo. 2, 1810.
-To her aunt [Rebecca Titus], Purchase. [Scipio, ca. 1817]
(2) Minutes for traveling in the ministry Minutes from Meetings visited, account of journey with Joseph Tallcot and Phebe Field, poem, etc. 13 items, 1810-1836.
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The collection is open for research use.
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