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Box 21


Contains 7 Results:

A-F, 1933

 File — Box: 21, Folder: 1
Scope and Contents Allen, J. Henry. Enid, Oklahoma, [appreciation for a speech by Rufus M. Jones and centenary of Haverford College], 1933 October 22; Allinson, Brent. [thanks Rufus M. Jones for writing Herbert Hoover re Allinson's qualifications to vote as a conscientious objector], 1933 March 7; Allinson, Brent. [suggests it may be helpful if some members of American Friends Service Committee were to visit the German president offering "material aid and sympathy to the distressed elements of the population."...
Dates: 1933

Letters from Fellowship for Christian Cooperation, 1933

 File — Box: 21, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents

Fellowship for Christian Cooperation. Rufus M. Jones chairman. Papers including minutes and letters of executive secretary, Charles J. Ewald. approximately 40 items, 1933

Dates: 1933

G-H, 1933

 File — Box: 21, Folder: 4
Scope and Contents Gravely, F.H. Madras, India, [news of Quakers in that area], 1933 December 28; Grubb, Edward, 1933; Gummere, Samuel J. [praise for Rufus M. Jones's book on the history of Haverford College], 1933 October 24; Happich, Marie, 1933; Harper and Bros. (Cass Canfield, president). [re reprinting of some chapters of "Re-Thinking Missions"] (Later, idea dropped), 1933 April 14; Harris, J. Rendel. [re his work on mound builders], 1933 August 21; Harte, John. [would request a group such as American...
Dates: 1933

I-M (excludes Laymen's Foreign Mission Inquiry), 1933

 File — Box: 21, Folder: 5
Scope and Contents International Missionary Council (John R. Mott). [asks Rufus M. Jones to help with questions concerning international, interracial missionary cooperation], 1933 July 29; Iwahashi, T. [publication of Japanese edition of "Light from Darkness" and details for the American edition], 1933 January 8; Kelly, Thomas R, 1933; Kelsey, W. Irving and Anna. Ram Allah, Palestine, 1933 January 28; Legg, J. Thoburn. [appreciation for the message Rufus M. Jones gave at Union Theological Seminary], 1933...
Dates: 1933

N-S, 1933

 File — Box: 21, Folder: 6
Scope and Contents Nowlin, Mabel R. Changli, China, [comments on "Re-Thinking Missions" and missionary work], 1933 March 1; Oakley, Violet. [hopes he and Elizabeth Bartram Cadbury Jones will attend viewing of her "Law Triumphant"], 1933 May 15; Otto, Rudolf, 1933; Peabody, Francis J, 1933; Peet, Hubert, 1933; Pendle Hill (D. Robert Yarnall). [re Rufus M. Jones's teaching at Pendle Hill in the coming year], 1933 March 3; Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Anna G. Elkinton). [thanks for Rufus M. Jones's services to...
Dates: 1933

T-Z, 1933

 File — Box: 21, Folder: 7
Scope and Contents Taylor, Ernest, 1933; Taylor, Frederick R. [appreciates Rufus M. Jones's Haverford history, tells what education at Haverford should be as opposed to what a university education should be], 1933 December 31; Thimme, Hans, 1933 November 18; Thompson, Seal. [thanks Rufus M. Jones for services at Wellesley College], 1933 May 29; Timbres family. Sriniketan, India, [news from that front], 1933 January 9; Tolstoy, Alexandra. [encloses appeal against Bolshevism], 1933 February 2; Trueblood, D....
Dates: 1933