Box 1
Contains 5 Results:
A-N, 1894
File — Box: 1, Folder: 4
Scope and Contents
Opinions on the "American Friend," 1894; Baily, Joshua. [concerning the merging of :Friends Review" and "Christian Worker"], 1894 June 22; Bartlett, J. Henry. "Friends Review" should not attack Philadelphia Yearly Meeting; positions on music, etc. by
"Friends Review"], 1894 August 9; Bean, Joel. [sympathizes with his effort to combine diverse elements in the Society of Friends; change from "Christian Worker" to "American Friend"], 1894 January 4; Bean, Joel and Hannah. (printed) [concerning...
O-Z, 1894
File — Box: 1, Folder: 5
Scope and Contents
Pearson, William L. [re direction for "American Friend," pastoral system, etc.], 1894 September 11; Pritchard, Calvin W. [needs of western Friends], 1894 August 1; Raidabaugh, P.W. [concerning new American Friend and appeasing of western Friends], 1894 April 28; Rhoads, Charles. [perturbed by tolerance expressed by American Friend toward instrumental music and pastoral meetings], 1894 September 24; Rhoads, James E. [at a meeting to put in writing something about the discipline of Friends,...
A-Z, 1896
File — Box: 1, Folder: 7
Scope and Contents
Baily, Charles M. [looking for new principal for Oak Grove School -- wishing Rufus M. Jones would serve], 1896 February 15; Dillingham, John H. [on having no officiating at a marriage], 1896 April 20; Emlen, Samuel, 1896 October 27; Garrett, John B. [re investments], 1896 May 14; Harris, J. Rendel, 1896 October 5; Harris, J. Rendel [British Friends and Armenia], 1896 October 5; Hartshorne, Henry[encloses his article for the "American Friend," which apparently Rufus M. Jones forwarded to...
A-Z, 1888-1892
File — Box: 1, Folder: 1
Scope and Contents
Jacob, Charles R, 1888 May 23; Richards, Theodore W, 1888 June 20; Sidney, Emma F. [invitation to her wedding to Mr. Paulin and congratulations on engagement] 1888 March 13; Chase, Thomas. [has been to Congress of Orientalists at Stockholm and Christiania as a member of the American Oriental Society; submitted notice of Rufus M. Jones's book for publication], 1889 October 1; Jones, Eli. And several other letters, 1889 September 6; Sharpless, Isaac. [concerns an exam, perhaps for a student...
A-N, 1893
File — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents
Bailey, Charles M. [concerns cost of education at Oak Grove; and decision of Rufus M. Jones to leave Oak Grove and come to Haverford College], 1893 May 11; Bailey, Charles M. [approves of Friends Review as it now reads (with Rufus M. Jones as new editor)], 1893 September 18; Barton, George. [congratulates on success of Friends Review], 1893 September 3; Bartlett, J. Henry. [regarding Friends Review and use of the word "churchâ], 1893; Bean, Joel. [pleased with tone of Friends Review; Ohio...