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SFHL/FHL/RG5. Family and Personal Papers

 Record Group Term
Identifier: SFHL/FHL/RG5
The largest category of collections in Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College is that of Personal and Family Papers. These materials include correspondence, journals and diaries, and property records of Quaker individuals and family groups they date from the mid 17th century to the present.

Found in 340 Collections and/or Records:

Robert O. and Margaret C. Blood Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-263

Robert O. and Margaret C. Blood were active Quakers, members of Ann Arbor Monthly Meeting, MI. The collection contains primarily the papers of Margaret Blood, including correspondence, writings, journals (mostly fragments) after about 1960. There are also some writings by Robert Blood including student papers and articles for periodicals, as well as material on their joint counseling workshops and papers concerning their son, Peter Blood, and the draft during the Vietnam era.

Dates: 1942-1999

David S. and Mary W. Richie Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-264

David S. Richie (1908-2005) spent his life devoted to public service, particularly in the areas of work camps and cooperatives. A birthright Quaker, he served as Secretary of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Social Order Committee from 1939–1973 and was president of the Board of Friends Housing, Inc. He also was involved with the American Friends Service Committee and other organizations. These papers are divided into correspondence, writings, and topical files as assembled by Richie.

Dates: 1935-2005

Nora Waln Literary Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-265

Nora Waln was a 20th century Quaker author and journalist who wrote about Nazi Germany and China. This collection includes editorial correspondence and many incomplete manuscripts, at least some of which were returned to her family by the publisher after her death.

Dates: 1939-1964

Margaret H. Collins Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-266

Margaret Hill Collins, a member of the Society of Friends, was an advocate for integrated housing in the Philadelphia suburbs. These papers include her writings and poetry, personal correspondence, and the records of the Community Support Corporation. The latter was a small nonprofit that remodeled and resold homes in low income communities in Delaware County, Pa. It was established in the mid 1970s and was headquartered on Jackson Street in Media.

Dates: 1932-2006

Niles Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-267

Mary Cushing (Howard) Niles (1900-1993) was a pioneer in the field of personnel management, and her husband, Henry E. Niles (1900-1993), was a management executive. Both were active in Quaker concerns. Their extensive personal and professional papers include material from several extended visits to India and work with Friends World College, Friends Conference on National Legislation, Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace, and New Age philosophies.

Dates: 1881-1991

George H. and Elizabeth G. Watson Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-268

Elizabeth Grill Watson was a Quaker minister, feminist theologian, Bible scholar, and writer. George H. Watson was a Quaker educator and President Emeritus of Friends World College. The collection primarily documents their ministries focused on social justice.

Dates: 1970-1999

Herbert Hadley FWCC Research Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-269

Herbert M. Hadley served as General Secretary of Friends World Committee. He wrote a history of FWCC entitled Quakers World Wide.

Dates: 1937-1994

Fothergill Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-270

Papers of the Fothergill and related families of Yorkshire, England, and Wilmington, Delaware. Manuscripts include eighteenth and ninteenth century letters, essays, and genealogical documents as well as 19th century sketches and watercolors.

Dates: ca.1763-1995

Fisher-Whitson Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-281
Abstract This collection contains manuscripts and other materials relating to the Whitson, Smedley, Fisher and other Quaker families of southeastern Pennsylvania. Along with commonplace books, correspondence, and photographs are a series of thematically arranged genealogical binders assembled by the donors. Of particular interest are the battlefield correspondence of Sam Smedley who was killed in the American Civil War and the journal of Esther Whitson, later Cope, who served as a nurse with the AFSC...
Dates: 1778-2011

Hicks Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-282

The Hicks family was a Long Island, New York, Quaker family with extensive connections to prominent members of the Society of Friends. The collection contains correspondence, mostly relating to Quaker concerns, received by Isaac Hicks (1815-1900) and others; genealogical research of Benjamin D. Hicks, and miscellaneous collected papers concerning the Society of Friends and Swarthmore College.

Dates: 1784-1940