SFHL/FHL/SC. Small Collections
Found in 298 Collections and/or Records:
Samuel Allinson papers
Correspondence and miscellaneous memorabilia, including a 1834 letter from brother William and Uncle (?) in Burlington regarding temperance and the potential purchase of land.
Friendly Association for Regaining and Preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures records
Correspondence, including that with civil and military authorities, accounts of preliminary meetings with Indian delegates, and invoices, relating to the Treaty of Easton.
Joseph A. and Ruth Dugdale Correspondence
Correspondence of Dugdale and his wife, Ruth Dugdale, both of whom were active in reform efforts such as the abolition of slavery and women's rights. Correspondents include Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, Thomas Garrett, William Lloyd Garrison, James Mott, Lucretia Mott, and Wendell Phillips.
Ecroyd family papers
This collection includes wills, deeds, and contracts involving the Ecroyd family of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.
Edward Ambler Estate Papers
Collection includes miscellaneous estate papers, including Edward Ambler's will, dated 1831, and Ann's uncle Richard's estate inventory from 1776.
Theodore Dreiser collection
This collection includes Theodore Dreiser's letters to Mabel Cheyney, printed documents concerning the suppression of Dreiser's The Genius, and several printed pamphlets and previews regarding Dreiser's work. Mabel Cheney was probably the daughter of George S. and Mary Wilson Price Cheyney, Quakers from Thornbury Township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Mary Bradway correspondence
This collection includes the personal correspondence of Mary S. Bradway with John Comly, John and Judith Cornell, and John Hallowell. The letters are personal in content, with some discussion of the nature of contemporary Quaker spirituality.
Daniel Sharpless family papers
This collection primarily includes financial papers, bills, receipts and bonds, signed by Daniel Sharpless, Jr. or by his father, Daniel Sharpless.
John Salkeld legal papers
This collection includes six signed bonds and obligations of John Salkeld with various individuals.
Jane P. Rushmore papers
Personal correspondence of Jane Rushmore, as well as some letters relating the business of Friends Central Bureau. Also included is the collection of Emily Cooper Johnson of notes and recollections for her biography of Jane Rushmore"Under Quaker Appointment." Primary correspondents include Hannah Clothier Hull.