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Epistles, letters, minutes, and reports, Index, 1791-1795

 File — Box: 26
Identifier: HC.Phy.100.195 (1250/D4.2)

Scope and Contents

Philadelphia's Report, Abington's Report, Buck's Report, Concerd's Report, Western's Report, Southern's Report, Burlington's Report, Haddonfield's Report, Shrewsbury & Rahway's Report, Epistle from London (two copies), Epistle to London, Epistle from Rhode Island, Epistle to Rhode Island, Epistle from Long Island, Epistle to Long Island, Epistle from Baltimore, Epistle to Baltimore, Epistle from Virginia, Epistle to Virginia, Epistle from North Carolina, Epistle to North Carolina, Queries of 1791 manuscript & printed copy, Queries for Womans Meeting of 1791 manuscript & printed copy, Queries of the Meeting for Ministers and Elders, Advices of the Yearly Meeting of 1791 Manuscript & printed copy, Memorial of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting concerning Mary Armitt, Testimony of Deer Creek Monthly Meeting concerning James Rigbee, Testimony of Upper Springfield Monthly Meeting Concerning Mary Stevenson, Testimony of Duck Greek Monthly Meeting Concerning John Cowhill, Report of the Committee on the concern with Hopewell, Report of the Committee on the appeal of Joseph Thomas, Report of the Committee on the appeal of Amos Yarnall, Report of the Committee on the public certification for services rendered in the war, Report on the Treasurers account, Extracts from the Yearly Meeting Minutes, Report of the Committee on Spiritious Liquors, Philadelphia's Report, Abington's Report, Buck's Report, Chester's Report, Western's Report, Southern's Report, Burlington's Report, Gloucester & Salem's Report, Shrewsbury & Rahway's Report, London General Epistle, Copy of an Epistle to the Quarterly Meetings, Epistle from London, Epistle to London, Epistle from Rhode Island, Epistle to Rhode Island, Epistle from Long Island, Epistle to Long Island, Epistle from Maryland, Epistle to Maryland, Epistle from Virginia, Epistle to Virginia, Epistle from N & S Carolina & Georgia (two copys), Epistle to N & S Carolina & Georgia, Testimony of Evesham Monthly Meeting concerning Thomas Wilkins, Testimony of Greewich Monthly Meeting concerning Elisabeh Reeve, Testimony of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting Concerning Mary Armitt, Report of the Committee on the affairs with Hopewell (two copies), Note from the Ministers of France, Report on Abiah Taylor, Yearly Meeting Accounts, Mary Lewis's account for cabbin stores, Extracts from the Yearly Meeting Minutes, Philadelphia's Report, Abington's Report, Buck's Report, Chester's Report, Western's Report, Southern's Report, Burlington's Report, Gloucester & Salem's Report, Shrewsbury & Rahway's Report, London General Epistle, Epistle from London, Epistle to London, Rough Essay of Epistle to London, Epistle from New England, Epistle to Rhode Island, Epistle from Long Island, Epistle to Long Island, Epistle from Maryland, Epistle to Maryland, Epistle from Virginia, Epistle to Virginia, Epistle from N & S Carolina & Georgia, Epistle to N & S Carolina & Georgia, Essay of a Postscript to the Epistle for Carolina & Georgia, Testimony of Kennett Monthly Meeting concerning Thomas Carlton, Testimony of Chester Monthly Meeting concerning William Fell,Yearly Meeting accounts, Extracts from the Yearly Meeting Minutes, Rough Minutes of the Yearly Meeting, An Affectionate Caution addressed to members of our Religion's Society in (sic) City, Philadelphia's Report, Abington's Report, Buck's Report, Chester's Report, Western's Report, Southern;s Report, Burlington's Report, Gloucester & Salem's Report, Minute from the gloucester & Salem Quarter respecting deviding the Quarterly Meeting, Shrewsbury 7 Rahwey's Report, London General Epistle (two copies), Epistle from London (1 printed & 3 manuscript copies), Epistle to London, Epistle from Rhode Island, Epistle to Rhode Island, Epistle from New York, Epistle to New York, Epistle from Baltimore, Epistle to Baltimore, Epistle from virginia, Epistle to Virginia, Memorial from the Monthly Meeting of Philadelphia respecting Daniel Orry, Memorial from the Monthly Meeting of Philadelphia respecting Charles Williams, Testimony of Nottingham Monthly Meeting concerning Samuel Hutton, Testimony of Horsham Monthly Meeting concerning James Thornton (two copies), Report of the Committee on the Hopewell business, Report of the Committee on the new arrangement of Meetings at Shrewsbury and Rahway, Report of the Committee of the Yearly Meeting on the better accomodation of that Meeting, Report of the Committee appointed to visit the Quarterly & Monthly Meetings, Report of the Committee on the Boarding School, Report of the Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's Account, Minutes of the Yearly Meeting of Pennsylvania on the establishment of a Boarding School with forms of a Bequest devise, Report of Committee on Spiritous Liquors, Extracts from the Yearly Meeting Minutes, Epistle from North Carolina, Epistle to North Carolina, Philadelphia's Report, Abington's Report, Buck's Report, Chester's Report, Western's Report, Western's Report, Southern's Report, Burlington's Report, Haddonfield's Report, Salem's Report, Shrewsbury & Rahway's Report, London General Epistle, Epistle from London (two copies), Epistle to London, Epistle from Rhode Island, Epistle to Rhode Island, Epistle from New York, Epistle to New York, Epistle from Baltimore, Epistle to Baltimore, Epistle from Virginia, Epistle to Virginia, Epistle from North Carolina (two copies), Epistle to North Carolina, A Testimony from Grace Church Street Monthly Meeting concerning Elizabeth Drinker, A Testimony from the Monthly Meeting of Philadelphia concerning Sarah Morris, Report of the Committee on the Boarding School, Report of the Commmittee on Indian Concerns, Potters observation on Thos. Paines Age of Reason, Report of the Committee on the appeal of Esther Lucas, Report on the Treasurers account, Extracts from the Yearly Meeting Minutes, Report concerning better accomodation of The Yearly Meeting


  • Other: 1791-1795

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Physical Location

Haverford College Quaker and Special Collections

Materials Specific Details

Affiliation: Pre-Seperation

Physical Facet

1 folder

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