QM/Ph/YM. Yearly Meeting business and committees
Found in 69 Collections and/or Records:
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: International Outreach and Missionary Committees
Combined records of:
Women's Foreign Missionary Association (1882-1898)
Friends' Foreign Missionary Association (1899-1923)
Mission Board (1923-1950)
Japan Committee (1951-1974)
International Outreach Committee (1974-2015)
Contains minutes, reports, correspondence, financial documents, and other items (including images, diaries, calendars, bequest records, and miscellaneous papers).
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Peace and Concerns Standing Committee (1998-2015)
Records of the Peace and Concerns Standing Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1998-2003.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Support and Outreach Committee (1998-2015)
Records of the Support and Outreach Standing Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1997-2003.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Worship and Care Standing Committee (1998-2015)
Records of the Worship and Care Standing Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1998-2003.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Financial Stewardship Committee (1998-2003)
Records of the Financial Stewardship Committee and some summary records of a predecessor, the Yearly Meeting Finance Committee, 1990-2003.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: John Pemberton Fund
These records include Pemberton Fund reports, 1990-1992, and completed applications, 1988-1992.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Committee on the United Nations (1974-2015)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Orthodox) Records: Visitation Committee
Records of the Visitation Committee of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Delaware County, PA), 1922-1924.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Friends' Workcamp Program (1942-2015)
The Weekend Workcamps Program originated on the eve of World War II. It provides volunteers and opportunity to work in an inner city community, interact with neighbors, and dialog on peace and justice issues. Today the Friends' Workcamp Program operates under the auspices of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's Standing Committee on Peace and Concerns. Records include minutes, reports, project files, correspondence, and other records from 1942 to the present.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Women's Problems Group (1917-1969)
Records of the Women's Problem Group of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1949-1961.