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QM/Ph/YM. Yearly Meeting business and committees

 Record Group Term
Identifier: QM/Ph/YM
YEARLY MEETING: A large autonomous body of Quakers, which meets for several days once a year. In theory, its decisions are binding on the monthly and quarterly meetings within its jurisdiction and on the committees and staff which carry out the work of the yearly meeting. It meets annually to conduct business, formulate the discipline, receive reports and concerns from its constituent meetings, review the state of the Society, and communicate with other yearly meetings and non-Quaker organizations.

Found in 69 Collections and/or Records:

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: International Outreach and Missionary Committees

Identifier: QM-Phy-850
Scope and Contents

Combined records of: Women's Foreign Missionary Association (1882-1898) Friends' Foreign Missionary Association (1899-1923) Mission Board (1923-1950) Japan Committee (1951-1974) International Outreach Committee (1974-2015)

Contains minutes, reports, correspondence, financial documents, and other items (including images, diaries, calendars, bequest records, and miscellaneous papers).

Dates: 1882-1980

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Peace and Concerns Standing Committee (1998-2015)

Identifier: QM-Phy-706
Scope and Contents

Records of the Peace and Concerns Standing Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1998-2003.

Dates: 1998-2003

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Support and Outreach Committee (1998-2015)

 Collection — Othertype SW/Phy/330
Identifier: QM-Phy-330
Scope and Contents

Records of the Support and Outreach Standing Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1997-2003.

Dates: 1997-2003

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Worship and Care Standing Committee (1998-2015)

 Collection — Othertype SW/Phy/410
Identifier: QM-Phy-410
Scope and Contents

Records of the Worship and Care Standing Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1998-2003.

Dates: 1998-2003

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Financial Stewardship Committee (1998-2003)

 Collection — Othertype SW/Phy/270
Identifier: QM-Phy-270
Scope and Contents

Records of the Financial Stewardship Committee and some summary records of a predecessor, the Yearly Meeting Finance Committee, 1990-2003.

Dates: 1990-2003

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: John Pemberton Fund

 Collection — Othertype SW/Phy/375
Identifier: QM-Phy-375
Scope and Contents

These records include Pemberton Fund reports, 1990-1992, and completed applications, 1988-1992.

Dates: 1988-1992

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Committee on the United Nations (1974-2015)

 Collection — Othertype SW/Phy/773
Identifier: QM-Phy-773
Abstract The Committee on the United Nations was formed at the beginning of 1974 to “create, among Friends and people within the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting area generally, greater support for the UN and stronger concern for the problems the UN was designed to meet.” It began as a subcommittee of the Peace Committee, but in 1982 was made into a full committee. The committee published a newsletter, made presentations to schools and churches, and sponsored the Model UN Convention for Friends Schools....
Dates: 1974-2001

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Orthodox) Records: Visitation Committee

 Collection — Othertype HV/Phy/111
Identifier: QM-Phy-111
Scope and Contents

Records of the Visitation Committee of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Delaware County, PA), 1922-1924.

Dates: 1922-1924

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Friends' Workcamp Program (1942-2015)

 Collection — Othertype SW/Phy/774
Identifier: QM-Phy-774

The Weekend Workcamps Program originated on the eve of World War II. It provides volunteers and opportunity to work in an inner city community, interact with neighbors, and dialog on peace and justice issues. Today the Friends' Workcamp Program operates under the auspices of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's Standing Committee on Peace and Concerns. Records include minutes, reports, project files, correspondence, and other records from 1942 to the present.

Dates: 1942-2015

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Women's Problems Group (1917-1969)

Identifier: QM-Phy-821
Scope and Contents

Records of the Women's Problem Group of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1949-1961.

Dates: 1949-1961