Showing Collections: 1271 - 1280 of 5317
Christopher Densmore Research Papers
Christopher Densmore served as Curator of Friends Historical Library, retiring in 2018. This collection includes his raw research materials as well as completed papers.
Deptford Free School Society
The Deptford Free School Society was a Quaker organization which established and operated the Deptford Free School in Woodbury, New Jersey. The collection includes minutes, 1774-1893.
DeRuyter Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of DeRuyter Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) and its pre-Separation predecessor, 1809-1886. Includes: Minutes, 1820-1886, women's minutes, 1842-1880, births & deaths, 1811-1848, marriages, 1809-1861, marriages & removals, 1809-1862, and minutes of the meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1869-1881.
DeRuyter Monthly Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of DeRuyter Monthly Meeting (Orthodox), 1827-1845. Includes: Minutes, 1828-1845, and women's minutes, 1827-1841.
DeRuyter Preparative Meeting Records
Includes: Minutes, 1820-1880.
Dorothy Detzer Papers
Dorothy Detzer was a peace activist, writer, and lobbyist. She served as the National Executive Secretary of the U.S. Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1924-1946.. Detzer influenced a Congressional investigation of the munitions industry, 1934-1936, and later wrote the book Appointment on the Hill, 1948, describing her two decades in Washington, D.C.
Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft Collected Records
The Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft (German Peace Society) was founded in 1892 and still exists today as the Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegnerinnen or DFG-VK.
William P. Dewee papers
This collection is comprised of the personal correspondence of William P. Dewee and the handwritten manuscripts of essays he wrote for The Friend.
Clara R. Dewees photograph collection
Picture collection that includes labeled formal photographs of Westtown classmates, all adddressed to Clara R. Dewees; three small albums containing snapshote of Westtown and Binns and Dewees family members; large formal family portraits, most not labeled.
Watson Dewees Notes on Meetings and Meetinghouses
This collection contains letters, notes, and journal entries entailing various Quaker meeting locations in the Pennsylvania-New Jersey area as well as their dates of origin and operation. These locations are in Philadelphia, PA, Abington, PA, Caln, PA, Western, PA, Burlington, NJ, Buck, PA, Haddonfield, NJ, and Salem, NJ.