Showing Collections: 1631 - 1640 of 5329
"Foundations of English Literature"
"Foundations of English Literature," written by F.B. Gummere, a professor of English at Haverford, discusses the history of the English language, and the history of various genres of English literature.
Founders Bell
Founders Bell is a biannual newsletter for Haverford College faculty, staff and alumni reporting about events, important meetings and issues pertaining to the College.
Founders Club constitutions
This collection contains two constitutions from the Founders Club of Haverford College.
Photographs for Fourth Friends World Conference "Quaker Story" exhibit
Albert Vann Fowler and Helen Wose Fowler Papers
Albert Vann Fowler scrapbook
Albert Vann Fowler, "Students of the Sixties"
This collection consists of a manuscript essay by Albert Vann Fowler about Haverford College students in the 1960s.
Fowler Orphanage Association Records
Fowler Orphanage (later Fowler Home for Girls) in Cairo, Egypt was founded in 1906 with money collected by John and Esther Fowler, both members of the Society of Friends. The Fowler Orphanage Association, afiliated with Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative), was formed in 1927 to provide support and met yearly until it was laid down in 1987. Collection includes minutes of the Association as well as related correspondence, financial records, and photographs.
"The Short Journal of George Fox"
This copy of "The Short Journal of George Fox" was transcribed from the original by Emily Jermyn. The manuscript describes the life of George Fox.
"Epistles and Sermons of George Fox"
This collection is comprised of the single, handwritten volume of the epistles and sermons of George Fox, ca. 1683. The inside cover of a later binding attributes the volume to Thomas Richardson, dated 1714. However, it has been speculated that the volume may have been written originally by one of George Fox’s secretaries.