Showing Collections: 1981 - 1990 of 5316
Gunpowder Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Gunpowder Monthly Meeting, 1687-2020. Includes men's and joint minutes 1739-2003 and 2016-2020, women's minutes 1742-1873, plus vital records 1687-1958, financial and property records, and other records (including born-digital).
Gunpowder Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Gunpowder Preparative Meeting, 1719-1852. Includes Minutes, 1829-1852 and Deaths of North Carolina Friends, 1719-1791.
Gurney-Clarke-Shoemaker correspondence
This collection includes correspondence between three of the Kirkbride sisters, Francis Maria Shoemaker, Julia K. Clarke, and Eliza Paul Gurney. The letters relate family and local news, and the letters written by Eliza Paul Gurney from England reflect some of her spiritual philosophy. Also included are brief notes on the genealogy of the Kirkbride family.
John Joseph Gurney manuscript
The manuscript of John Joseph Gurney includes three parts: "Charlemania Part I," Charlemania Part II," and "An Afternoon at Cambridge and a Morning at Oxford."
According to notes from the curator of Haverford College's Quaker and Special Collections, the manuscript is in the hand of Joseph John Gurney, but is "possibly written in the hand of Anna Gurney, who gave it to Ann Hodgkin, possibly as a wedding present."
"Corrections of Journey in North America"
This collection is comprised of the single volume manuscript by Joseph John Gurney, which lists corrections to the published manuscript, “Journey in North America, described in familiar letters to Amelia Opie.” Each page of the volume is numbered so that the corrections on each page match the corresponding page of the published version.
Anne Guthrie Collected Papers
Collection includes 18 letters written between 1932 and 1947 from Anne Guthrie to "Dear Friends Everywhere" giving accounts of her travels. Two letters are typewritten, 16 are mimeographed.
GWEN Project Records
Robert J. Gwyn Collected Papers
Collection includes extensive information about the San Francisco to Moscow Walk for Peace (1960-1961), including material from a dismounted scrapbook; also includes three folders about the Committee of Correspondence (New York).
Gwynedd Boarding School (Gwynedd, Pa.)
Gwynedd Boarding School was a Quaker boarding school for boys operated by the Foulke family in Gwynedd, Pennsylvania. The collection contains an account book (1847-1848), list of students (1853-1860), and material relating to an alumni association (1901).