Showing Collections: 2061 - 2070 of 5316
R. W. Harrington slide and photo collection, New York Yearly Meeting
This collection consists of color photographs and slides compiled by R. W.ard Harrington, professor and Quaker involved with New York Yearly Meeting. The photographs are primarily of individuals and groups, and the slides are mainly of meeting houses in New York Yearly Meeting.
Dorothy G. (Dorothy Gladden) Harris Papers
J. Rendel Harris collection
The collection is composed chiefly of manuscripts purchased by J. Rendel Harris (Haverford faculty member, 1886-1891) in Egypt, Palestine, and Lebanon. Manuscripts are written in Hebrew, Ethiopic, Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Latin and other languages.
J. Rendel Harris lecture notes
The collection contains eight volumes with J. Rendel Harris' lecture notes from his time teaching Mathematics at Cambridge. They include notes on Geometry and Algebra, Differential Calculus, Solid Geometry, Heat Electricity, Hydrostatics, Light and Sound, Astronomy and Dynamics of a Particle.
Sarah Coates Harris scrapbooks
Harris Wofford Papers
Harrisburg Defense Committee Collected Records
Harrisburg Monthly Meeting Records
Records include minutes of the Harrisburg Society of Friends and Harrisburg Monthly Meeting, 1928-1934 and since 1941; an account book, 1909-1960; membership lists for 1955 and 1957; and miscellaneous records, including Clerk's files, 1989-1993, records of the Building Renovation Committee, 1993-1997, and Bequest Committee records, 1986-1989.
"Quakerism and the Ecumenical Movement"
The manuscript of Earl G. Harrison provides a historical overview of Quakerism from the emergence of the Society of Friends to the Orthodox-Hicksite and the Wilburite-Gurneyite separations. Harrison discusses both groups of Quakers in favor of, and opposed to, the ecumenical movement, and analyzes trends towards unity within Quakerism.
Hornell Hart Collected Papers
Material includes correspondence, and Hart's study made with Duke University students"Towards Consensus for World Law and Order." Also includes copies of various drafts of his "Manhattan Project for Social Science" along with a summary of it by him, the latter received the Edward L. Bernays Atomic Energy Award so judged by a committee from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues in 1948.