Showing Collections: 3171 - 3180 of 5329
Mount Preparative Meeting (including Arney's Mount and Shreve's Mount) Records
Records include: minutes of the pre-Separation and Hicksite men's meeting and joint meetings, 1808-1870; minutes of the pre-Separation and Hicksite women's meeting, 1824-1847; an account book, 1797-1882; and a burial ground wall account book, 1860-1962.
Movement for a New Society Records
Movies and Shakers collection
Two copies of an email from David Fischer to members of Movies and Shakers.
Hester Moxie papers
This collection contains a paper written by Hester Moxie.
Mt. Kisco Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Mt. Kisco Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) and its indirect predecessor, Croton Valley Preparative Meeting, 1803-1904. Includes: minutes, 1804-1904 (gaps), as well as a record of the visits of travelling Friends, 1803-1850.
This collection contains two copies of the first edition of Muckquaker, a Haverford alternative newspaper.
Papers concerning the education of Henry Mulindi
The collection contains primarily correspondence concerning the funding of Henry Mulindi's college education by meetings within Farmington-Scipio Quarterly Meeting.
James E. Muller Collected Papers
Includes material from Muller's visits to the USSR from 1968-1981; includes news clippings, a manuscript regarding his trips, 1968-1970, and his diary of his trips March 1980-Oct. 1981. The diary documents the beginnings of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, and Mueller's connections with Bernard Lown and Helen Caldicott.
Valentine Muller papers
Valentine Muller was a Professor of Archaeology at Bryn Mawr College from 1931 until his death in 1945. This collection is comprised of Muller's manuscripts and other papers. The materials in the collection are primarily from the 1930s-1940s.
Mullica Hill Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Mullica Hill Monthly Meeting, 1873-2012.