Showing Collections: 3381 - 3390 of 5316
No Foreign War Campaign Steering Committee Collected Records
No Foreign War Committee Collected Records
No More War Movement Collected Records
Collection includes printed correspondence, pamphlets, leaflets, and the periodicals New World and No More War; constitution and membership information; one photographic plate, lapel button, post card, and paper banner.
Nobel Peace Prize Collected Records (Subject File #1)
Albert Jay Nock letter
This collection contains a letter written by Albert Jay Nock.
Emmy Noether materials
Born in Germany, Emmy Noether was a distinguished mathematician who immigrated to the United States as a refugee Jewish scholar in the 1930s where she took a teaching position at Bryn Mawr College. During the 1934-1935 academic year Noether taught one graduate level course in Algebra in the department of mathematics. Noether died suddenly in 1935 at the Bryn Mawr Hospital. The collection consists mainly of material written about Noether and memorializing Noether.
Non-Military Options for Youth/Sustainable Options for Youth Records
Materials documenting the work of the counter-recruitment organization Nonmilitary Options for Youth/Sustainable Options for Youth in Austin, Texas from the years 1997-2019.
Non-Partisan Committee for Permanent Peace Collected Records
Nonviolent Action Community of Cascadia Records
This collection includes correspondence (1981-1985), administrative files, financial records, minutes of Board of Directors' meetings (1990-2008), and publicity materials. Much of the correspondence is to, or from, Ed Pearson, a founder and National Coordinator of CMTC. The collection includes information about international war tax resistance efforts, nonviolent direct action campaigns, and grants made from interest on the escrow account.
Nonviolent Peaceforce, Philadelphia Area chapter Collected Records
Collection includes, leaflets, minutes of meetings, printed correspondence including emails. Correspondents include Clarkson Palmer.