Showing Collections: 3471 - 3480 of 5329
Orchard Park Monthly Meeting Records (including East Hamburg, Hamburg (Hicksite), and Eden)
Records of Orchard Park Monthly Meeting and its predecessors, East Hamburg Executive and Monthly Meetings (Hicksite), Hamburg Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) , Hamburg Monthly Meeting, and Eden Monthly Meeting, 1751-ongoing. Includes: Minutes 1814-2002; Vital records 1751-1942, including births & deaths, 1759-1866 & 1751-1942, marriages & removals, 1822-99, and removals, 1819-92; Ministers & Elders minutes, 1821-1907; Financial records 1831-1958; Newsletter 1981-95.
Order of the Golden Rule Collected Records
Organization of American Women for Strict Neutrality Collected Records
William Orick Research Papers
William Orick (1888-1990), who came to this country as a German refugee, was a Quaker and member of Schenectady Monthly Meeting in New York. He conducted extensive research on how women were regarded in history. The collection contains his research papers primarily include his manuscripts, notes, and correspondence relating to Orick's study on women in the Catholic Church.
Orthodox Oracle
The collection contains one issue of a Haverford student satirical newspaper from 1945.
Joseph C. Osborn Collected Papers
Collection includes biographical information, correspondence, information about Osborn's academic work at Purdue University, 1936-1942, and about his draft orders and conscientious objection status; and information about Osborn's time in Civilian Public Service and CPS reunions in 1983 and 1986.
Rebecca Osborn papers
Henry T. Osborne correspondence
Collection of Thomas Mott Osborne Papers
This collection includes a letter from Thomas Mott Osborne to Esther Morton Smith, a Germantown, Pennsylvania Quaker, turning down an invitation to speak on prison reform, and also several news clippings of photographs of Thomas Mott Osborne while he served as warden at Sing Sing prison.
Oswego Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Oswego Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) and its pre-Separation predecessor, Oswego Preparative Meeting. Includes: Minutes (men's & joint), 1794-1911, and women's minutes, 1834-1886.