Showing Collections: 3751 - 3760 of 5316
Collection — othertype: SW/Phy/774
Identifier: QM-Phy-774
The Weekend Workcamps Program originated on the eve of World War II. It provides volunteers and opportunity to work in an inner city community, interact with neighbors, and dialog on peace and justice issues. Today the Friends' Workcamp Program operates under the auspices of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's Standing Committee on Peace and Concerns. Records include minutes, reports, project files, correspondence, and other records from 1942 to the present.
Identifier: QM-Phy-850
Scope and Contents
Combined records of:
Women's Foreign Missionary Association (1882-1898)
Friends' Foreign Missionary Association (1899-1923)
Mission Board (1923-1950)
Japan Committee (1951-1974)
International Outreach Committee (1974-2015)
Contains minutes, reports, correspondence, financial documents, and other items (including images, diaries, calendars, bequest records, and miscellaneous papers).
Collection — othertype: HV/Phy/835
Identifier: QM-Phy-835
Collection — othertype: SW/Phy/364
Identifier: QM-Phy-364
In 5mo 1930, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) appointed a committee "for the development of closer cooperation between Arch Street and Race Street Yearly Meetings, and to consider also whether the time of our Yearly Meeting might be changes so that the sessions of the two Meetings would at least in part overlap." Includes records of this Committee, 1930-1935. Of particular interest are surveys of cooperation between the two Philadelphia Quaker bodies to that point, as well as histories...
Collection — othertype: SW/Phy/780
Identifier: QM-Phy-780
Records of the Joint Committee on Indian Affairs, and its predecessor, the Indian Committee (1837-1850) of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite). Also includes the letter books of John Saunders of Philadelphia, Secretary of the Joint Committee, and correspondence of Barclay White, Jesse W. Griest, Thomas Lightfoot, Samuel M. Janney, Levi K. Brown, Samuel Jeanes, and Albert Lamborn Green. Reports include information about the Senecas, the Otos and the Otoe Agency, the Santees and the Santee...
Collection — othertype: SW/Phy/507
Identifier: QM-Phy-507
In 3mo 1944, Rufus Jones published an article, "Are We Ready," in Friends Intelligencer. In response to his concern for deepening the spiritual life of the Religious Society of Friends, members of both the Race Street and Arch Street Philadelphia Yearly Meetings gathered six months later in the meeting house at 15th and Race Streets. Records include minutes, correspondence, and publications.
Collection — othertype: HV/Phy/584
Identifier: QM-Phy-584
Scope and Contents
Records of the Joint Young Friends Movement at Haverford include the organization's General and Annual Meeting Minutes (1929-1933), Annual Reports (1931-1947), Conference and Seminar Papers (1931-1971), Correspondence (1933-1971), Financial Records (1931-1960) Photographs (1919-1925), records of its Advisory Committee (1963-1966), its Business Committee (1931-1961), its Executive Committee (1921-1964), its Committee on Young Friends (1931-1951) and other miscellaneous committee or general...
Collection — othertype: HV/Phy/558
Identifier: QM-Phy-558
Scope and Contents
The records of PYM's Library Services Group at Haverford include the body's extensive collection of Minutes, as well as the records of its Bookmobile Program, its International Book Project, its Soviet Project, and those of the related Book Service Committee and Lending Sub-committee. At the time of this recording, some materials remain outside of the two boxes in Lockwood Annex, bound among 9 folders. Their locations below will read "1250/Lockwood/Library Services Group/Un-Boxed...
Collection — othertype: SW/Phy/758
Identifier: QM-Phy-758
The Meeting for Social Concerns began as the Committee for Social Concerns with a deliberately loose structure and open membership. It assumed direction of numerous social action committees within Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. After the Meeting for Social Concerns was laid down in 1974, these committees were placed under Coordinating Committee for Testimonies and Concerns (CCII).
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: QM-Phy-040
Scope and Contents
Records of Meeting for Sufferings, the Representative Committee, Representative Meeting and Interim Committee include minutes of proceedings, a large collection of supporting reports, and financial information for each session. Its annual reports may be found in the records of the Yearly Meeting as well as in the printed proceedings of each session. Records of smaller committees reporting to these bodies are also described in this finding aid. Larger subcommittees like the Meeting House...
1719 - 2022