Showing Collections: 411 - 420 of 5318
Black Creek Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Black Creek Monthly Meeting, 1907-1966. Includes men's and joint minutes 1907-1966 and Worship & Ministry and its predecessors minutes 1907-1966.
Black Lives Matter street art photography
Photographs documenting street art related to the Black Lives Matter movement taken in 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Black Students League records
This collection contains documentation of Haverford's Black Students League. It includes the club's constitution, mission statement, programs, calendar of events, email printouts, and a report on race relations at Haverford.
The Black
The collection contains several issues of a Haverford student satirical publication from the 1920s and 1930s.
Blacks Against Nukes Collected Records
The collected records of Blacks Against Nukes (BAN) contain primarily the BAN newsletter, correspondence, and clippings. Most of the correspondence consists of requests for information that BAN received. There is additional personal correspondence and clippings from Greg Abdur-Rasheed (formerly Greg Johnson), including a series of letters with Nathan Jerard Dunlap during his incarcation.
Blackwater and Upper Monthly Meetings Records
Records of Blackwater and Upper Monthly Meetings, 1765-1832. Includes men's minutes 1765-1776 (Blackwater), 1779-1807 (Blackwater), 1800-1832 (Upper); women's minutes 1752-1775 (Blackwater), 1792-1803 (Blackwater), and 1800-1832 (Upper); vital records 1760-1810, and miscellaneous.
Katherine Devereux Blake Collected Papers
Katherine Devereux Blake was a suffragist and peace activist through the first half of the twentieth century. She was a member of the Ford Peace Expedition in 1915-1916, served on the national board of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and its international executive board, and was the chief speaker for the Disarmament Caravan, which toured 9,000 miles in 1931.
Joshua P. Blanchard Collected Papers
Joshua Pollard Blanchard was born in 1782. His "Quaker" principles led him into being an important nineteenth century peace leader (and abolitionist). Blanchard was an absolute pacifist who was a conscientious objector during the war of 1812, and was tried in New York. He joined the Massachusetts Peace Society in 1816 and was very active for many years in the American Peace Society (APSl).
Brand Blanshard Papers
Brand Blanshard was a Quaker philosopher, writer, and teacher. He taught philosophy at Swarthmore College 1925-1944 and subsequently at Yale University until 1962 where he served as the chairman of the Philosophy Department. The collection contains primarily published writings and some correspondence and unpublished speeches.
Frances Bradshaw Blanshard photographs
Frances Bradshaw Blanshard attended Smith College and later became dean of women at Swarthmore College. She also had ties to Yale University, where her husband (Brand Blanshard) was a philosophy professor. This collection largely consists of portraits of Frances Blanshard, with some photographs of family members.