Showing Collections: 4651 - 4660 of 5315
Tallcot Family papers
Primarily the correspondence of Joseph Tallcot (ca. 1768-1853) and other Quakers on topics relating to religious education, the Hicksite-Orthodox schism of 1827-1828, the Wilburite separation, slavery, and the African American colony at Wilberforce, Canada.
Joseph Tallcot correspondence
Contains five letters from Quaker educator Joseph Talcot, including one to New York Yearly Meeting for Sufferings and four to Samuel Parsons (1744-1841), long-time elder and clerk of New York Yearly Meeting. The letters deal with concerns of the Meeting for Suffering and providing literature to Friends in remote quarterly meetings.
Richard Tangye scrapbook
This scrapbook is comprised of reports from Quarterly Meetings, copies of letters and documents concerning marriages, and articles written by George Fox.
Koozma J. Tarasoff photographs of visit to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Koozma J. Tarasoff (born 1932) is a scholar of the Doukhobors, a Spiritual Christian religious group of Russian origin with a sizeable community in Canada. This collection consists of black and white photographs taken by Tarasoff on a trip to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in March 1983. He photographed Quaker Meeting Houses and schools and prominent Quakers including E. Raymond Wilson and Laurama Pixton.
Tarsus Collection
The Tatler
This collection contains issues three, four, five, and eight of The Tatler.
Charles M. Tatum. American Friends Service Committee Coal Relief Papers
Charles M. Tatum photographs of American Friends Service Committee Coal Relief
The President’s Committee on Unemployment Relief and the Federal Children’s Bureau requested that the American Friends Service Committee provide relief for the children of unemployed mine workers in the poverty stricken bituminous coal fields in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, and West Virginia during the winter of 1931-1932. Charles Maris Tatum worked in West Virginia and Kentucky for the AFSC Coal Relief mission from 1931-1933.
Josiah Tatum letter to Thomas Kimber
This collection contains a single letter from Tatum to Kimber, dated October 15, 1830.
Susan Morton Tatum collection
This collection contains correspondence, genealogical information, portraits, and other objects relating to the Tatum, Mickle, Whitall, Wright, and Lewis families.