Showing Collections: 621 - 630 of 5318
Elizabeth Cadwallader papers
This collection is comprised of the papers of Elizabeth Cadwallader Comfort, and include certificates of removal, clippings, correspondence, diaries, extracts, recipe books, wills, and miscellaneous items from various members of her family.
Elizabeth Miller Caldwell letters
Call to Action Collected Records
Printed materials.
Calliopean Society records
The Calliopean Society is a literary and debating society founded at Yale College in 1819. This collection is comprised of the correspondence related to the society, "The Constitution of the Calliopean Society" (1822), and original handwritten meeting minutes.
Caln Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Caln Preparative Meeting, 1841-1940, include: Hicksite men’s minutes, 1850-1887; Orthodox men’s minutes, 1841-1922; Orthodox women’s minutes, 1882-1918; account books, 1842-1940.
Caln Quarterly Meeting Records
Cambridge Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: Minutes of the Hicksite men's meeting, 1831-1845; and minutes of the Hicksite women's meeting, 1831-1842.
Cambridge Preparative Meeting Records
Includes: Men's minutes, 1813-1848; women's minutes, 1813-1848.
Camden Monthly Meeting Records (including Duck Creek and Motherkiln)
Records of Camden Monthly Meeting and of its predecessors, Duck Creek and Motherkiln Monthly Meetings, 1686-2014, include: vital records, 1686-2000; pre-Separation, Hicksite and United men’s and joint session minutes, 1705-1961 and 1994-2006; women's minutes, 1711-1874; financial records, 1829-1961; miscellaneous papers, 1740-2014. The Camden Friends Meeting Newsletter, in Series 6, contains copies of the unapproved minutes of the Meeting.