Showing Collections: 1201 - 1210 of 5317
Crosswicks Monthly Meeting Records
Records include: minutes, 1974-1980 and 2011-2012 (digital), and newsletters, 2002-2004. Digital files are accessible to TriCollege accounts or on-campus users.
Memoir of William Crotch
Croton Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Croton Preparative Meeting (Hicksite). Includes: Minutes (men's), 1829-1848, and women's minutes, 1843-1848.
Croton Preparative Meeting (Pre-Separation and Orthodox) Records
Records of Croton Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) and its pre-Separation predecessor, 1797-1895. Includes: Men's & women's minutes, 1797-1895.
Croton Valley Local Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Croton Valley Local Monthly Meeting (Orthodox) and its pre-Separation predecessor, Croton Valley Preparative Meeting, 1818-1938. Includes: Minutes 1818-1902 and 1929-1938, women's minutes, 1836-1866, and minutes of the Trustees of Croton Valley School, 1817-1825.
Croton Valley Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Croton Valley Monthly Meeting, 1909-ongoing. Includes: Minutes 1929-1997/2004-2010, Clerk's files, 1938-1964, membership Records 1934-1993, Ministry & Counsel minutes, 1991-1994, Financial reports, 1909-1977, and Newsletters, 1939-1995.
Crum Elbow Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Crum Elbow Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) and its pre-Separation predecessor. Includes: Men's & women's minutes, 1797-1899, and register, 1828-1946.
Collection of Paul Cuffe printed materials
Carol Cummings and Frank Cummings Papers
Carol and Frank Cummings were a married couple who were involved in the sanctuary movement for Central American refugees in the 1980s.
Elizabeth Cunningham family papers
Elizabeth Cunningham (1934-2020) was a Quaker who held administrative positions at Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in the 1980s and 1990s. He husband William Cunningham (1930-2019) was a philosophy professor at Cheyney University. This collection documents the couple's lives, as well as that of Elizabeth's mother Jennie Ault, with a focus on the 1950s and 1960s.