Showing Collections: 2051 - 2060 of 5316
John Frederick Hanson papers
This collection is comprised of the copies of the Hanson papers, the originals of which are held by his daughter, and copies are also at George Fox College, Newberg, Or. The copies in this collection were created by Errol Elliot in 1966.
Happy Days and Special Events of the Wilbur Family
This collection was compiled by Ross T. Wilbur in 1980, and contains letters and photographs from special occasions within the Wilbur Family between 1898 and 1980.
The Happy Dome
Hardwick and Randolph Monthly Meeting Records (including Hardwick and Mendham)
Records of Hardwick and Randolph Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) and its pre-Separation predecessors, Hardwick and Randolph and Hardwick and Mendham Monthly Meetings, 1714-1854. Includes: Men's and women's minutes 1797-1855, births & deaths, 1715-1861, abstract (3 copies) of marriages, 1714-1855, list of members, removals, 1792-1847, and minutes of Ministers and Elders, 1823-1840.
Hardwick and Randolph Preparative Meeting Records (including Randolph and Mendham)
Records of Hardwick and Randolph Preparative Meeting and its predecessors, Randolph Preparative Meeting and Mendham Preparative Meeting, 1790-1865. Includes: Men's and joint minutes, 1790-1865, and women's minutes 1834-52.
Elizabeth Anna Harlan scrapbook
Joseph Gibbons Harlan letters and biographical information
This collection contains three letters from Joseph Harlan, genealogical records related to Harlan and his family, a Haverford College faculty testimonial, and correspondence between John Dickenson and a descendent of Joseph Harlan.
Harlem Ashram Collected Papers
Collection consists of one printed letter from Jay Holmes Smith"A Call to a World Brotherhood Mobilization" by Smith, one issue of Play Coop News, and an undated letter from Agnes Ryan to David R. Clark about her plans to open a School of Non-Violence.
The Harned photograph collection
The Harned was a non-profit boarding home for the elderly in Moylan, PA, under the care of Media Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. It operated under the direction of The Harned Committee. It was established in 1940 through the bequest of Quaker sisters, Phebe and Katherine Harned, and laid down in 1994. The collection contains loose and mounted photographs, clippings, and a scrapbook depicting residential life.
Robin Harper Collected Papers
Robin Harper is active in the peace movement. During the 1950s and 1960s he protested nuclear weapons and missile defense systems. The papers in this collection reflect that involvement.