Showing Collections: 3661 - 3670 of 5316
Perot Family papers
A history across several generations of Quaker brewers beginning with Anthony Morris in the 17th century. As well, there is genealogical and biographical information on the Perot, Marshall, Morris, Gomey, Siter, Powell, and Wilcox families.
John Perot financial records
The estate account books of John Perot generally record deposits, withdrawals for payments, and account balances of Perot's estate.
Sansom Perot papers
This collection is comprised of the correspondence, financial records, and legal records of Sansom Perot Morris. The collection includes hand drawn maps of property, copies of Sansom Perot's will, loose financial documents, rent contracts, deeds, and correspondence.
T. Morris Perot papers
Legal and family materials from four generations of T. Morris Perots.
Perry City Monthly Meeting Records (including Hector Monthly Meeting (Orthodox-Gurneyite))
Records of Perry City Monthly Meeting and its predecessor, Hector Monthly Meeting (Orthodox), 1847-1972. Includes: Minutes (men's, women's, joint), 1847-1955/1968-79/2005, vital records 1902-1972, Ministers and Elders, 1872-1895, financial records 1942-1954, records of the Ladies Aid Society, and newsletters.
Peru Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Peru Monthly Meeting, 1799-1867 (Pre-Separation and Hicksite). Includes men's minutes 1828-67, women's minutes 1799-1866, vital records 1799-1839, and property records 1838.
Peru Monthly Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Peru Monthly Meeting, 1766-1868 (Pre-Separation and Orthodox). Includes men's minutes 1799-1868, women's minutes 1828-68, vital records 1766-1866, Ministers & Elders minutes 1804-68.
Peru Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Peru Preparative Meeting, 1799-1862. Includes men's minutes 1799-1808 and women's minutes 1828-1862.
Peru Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Peru Preparative Meeting, 1798-1870. Includes men's minutes 1808-70, women's minutes 1798-1870, and lists of books in library, 1844-60.
Jon A. Peterson Swarthmore College coursework
Jon A. Peterson was a Swarthmore College student (class of 1957) who went on to become a professor of history at Queens College, CUNY. This collection consists of his coursework from classes taught by three prominent Swarthmore College professors: Robert D. Cross, J. Roland Pennock, and Monroe C. Beardsley.