Showing Collections: 3951 - 3960 of 5316
Quran written in Alexandria in 1767.
A literary magazine focusing on Black writing and art.
Radnor Monthly Meetings Records
Radnor Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Radnor Preparative Meeting (Hicksite), 1871-1882, as follows: women's minutes, 1871-1882, and a subscription, ca. 1875.
Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting account of the Separation
The collection contains two detailed draft manuscript reports of the events and proceedings in Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting and the Quarterly Meeting with attention to property and control of the records.
Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of the Orthodox meeting and its predecessor, the pre-Separation meeting, 1700-1827. Includes: vital records, 1806-1910; men's meeting minutes, 1802-1910; women's meeting minutes, 1823-1903; Ministers and Elders meeting minutes, 1857-1875; financial records, 1814-1890.
An inventory of the Hicksite and post-Reunification Meeting records may be found with the finding aids for New York Yearly Meeting at the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College.
Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting Records (including Woodbridge)
Records on New York Yearly Meeting's Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting, 1685-present, including Pre-Separation, Hicksite, and United records. Includes minutes 1723-1988, vital records 1705-1979, property records 1780s-1940s, miscellaneous 1773-1989, and newsletters 1937-ongoing.
Rahway Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Rahway Preparative Meeting (Hicksite), 1808-88. Includes men's and women's minutes 1838-88, and vital records 1808-9.
Rahway Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Rahway Preparative Meeting (Orthodox), include: minutes, 1852-1910; women's minutes, 1838-1908; financial records, 1828-1897; school committee minutes, 1875-1888.
Rainbow Fords Collection
This collection consists of 2 documents relating to the Haverford College affinity group Rainbow Fords.