Showing Collections: 641 - 650 of 5318
"The Difficulties and Dangers of Eighteenth Century Travel as Revealed in Quaker Journals"
Mary C. Campbell's thesis, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for her Master of Arts in English and comparative literature at Columbia University, focuses on analyzing first-hand travel accounts from Quaker travelers in the 18th century, with sections about travel on foot, on horseback, by carriage, and by sea.
Roberts Canby commonplace book
This album contains notes from friends of Roberts Canby from 1834 to 1835, mostly his peers at Haverford College. The entries include prose or poetry, a signature, the hometown of the signer, their college, and the date. The book itself is a published book with illustrations at the top of every page.
William Canby diary and commonplace book
William Canby's diary details his two years (1837-1839) as a student at Haverford College including extracurriculars, academics, weather, and social excursions.
Cap and Bells records
Cape May Preparative Records
Records of Cape May Preparative Meeting, 1794-1817, include: Men’s Minutes 1794-1817.
Mary Capper correspondence
Transatlantic correspondence between Mary Capper and the Cadbury family in Philadelphia. Letters concern family and spiritual matters. Correspondents include Joel and Caroline Cadbury, and their daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Cadbury.
CarEth Foundation Records
The CarEth Foundation is a family-run funding resource for the peace and social justice movement. It was founded in 1967 by G. Sterling Grumman to promote enduring world peace.
Francis King Carey junior oration
Francis King Carey junior oration.