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Illuminations (paintings)

Subject Source: TGM II, Genre and physical characteristic terms

Found in 40 Collections and/or Records:

De nobilitate, etc., 1425 - 1475

Identifier: MS 48
Abstract This humanistic manuscript was copied on parchment in Italy in the mid-fifteenth century. The first four works are three letters of Poggio Bracciolini, including one on nobility and one against avarice, and a poem by Carlo Marsuppino (Aretino) on nobility; these share a page layout, illuminated initials, and marginal notes of proper names in red. Three brief letters by Petrarch and an Easter table have been added at the end (fols. 103v-114r) and have spaces left for illuminated initials....
Dates: 1425 - 1475

De temporibus pauli II, liber V, 1425 - 1450

Identifier: MS 46

This is a Northern Italian manuscript from the second quarter of the fifteenth century, which contains Gaspare da Verona's De temporibus pauli II, liber V.

Dates: 1425 - 1450

Devotional book, 1771-1772 C.E.; 1158 A.H.

Identifier: BV 53

Devotional book containing selections from the Qurʼān, several illuminated seals (muhr), and calligraphic drawings with the names of God, the Prophet Muḥammad, other Imams and family members. Three blank pages at the end have been prepared for drawing but left unfilled (f. 69v-70v).

Dates: 1771-1772 C.E.; 1158 A.H.

Devotional book, 1777 C.E.; 1191 A.H.

Identifier: BV 48

Devotional book containing selections from the Qurʼān, other short prayers and illuminated panels and calligraphic drawings. Several pages of prayers in a different hand at the end with the last page inverted (f. 71v-76v). Some titles in Ottoman Turkish.

Dates: 1777 C.E.; 1191 A.H.

Devotional book, 1725-1825 C.E.; 1137-1241 A.H.

Identifier: BV 71

Devotional book containing selections from the Qurʼān, beginning with Sūrat Yūsuf and ending with a prayer. The entire text is written inside gilt pear-shapes with illuminated margins.

Dates: 1725-1825 C.E.; 1137-1241 A.H.

Epistolae familiares, 1425 - 1475

Identifier: MS 44

This is a mid-fifteenth northern Italian manuscript, which contains nine books of letters by Leonardo Bruni.

Dates: 1425 - 1475

Epistolae; Vita s. martini, etc., 1450 - 1500

Identifier: MS 10

This is an Italian manuscript from the second half of the fifteenth century, which contains: Pseudo-Eusebius' Epistola de morte Hieronomi ad Damasium; Pseudo-Augustine's Epistola de magnificentiis Hieronymi ad Cyrillum; Pseudo-Cyrillus' Epistola ad beatum Augustinum de miraculis Hieronymi; Sulpicius Severus' De vita beati Martini, his Tituli metrici de Santo Martino, and his Dialogus I-III; Gregory of Tours' Narrationes in obitu et de prima translatione; and Vita Sancti Zenonis.

Dates: 1450 - 1500

Havens breviary, Franciscan use, 1400 - 1599

Identifier: MS 31
Abstract This is a fifteenth- or sixteenth century breviary from Northern Europe.Table of contents: Graded Franciscan Calendar; Temporal from Advent through the fourth Sunday of November; General rubrics; In nomine Domini incipit benedictio aquae secundum ordinem romanae curiae; Psalter; Canticles and Prayers; Litany with prayers; Hymns for Vespers, Matins, and Lauds for the Temporal and the Sanctoral; Incipit ordo ad benedicendam mensam per totum annum; Ordo ad communicandum infirmum;...
Dates: 1400 - 1599

Havens hours, use uncertain, 1425 - 1475

Identifier: MS 30

This manuscript contains a Book of Hours written about 1450 in Northern France.

Table of contents: Hours of the Virgin, use uncertain; Office of the Cross begins imperfectly in hymn for Matins; Office of the Holy Spirit begins imperfectly in hymn for Matins; Obsecro te, begins imperfectly; Gospel of John (1.1-14) followed by prayer; Penitential Psalms begin imperfectly in first Psalm; Litany of the Saints; Office of the Dead beginning at the second Nocturn.

Dates: 1425 - 1475

Journal de sainct voyage pour visiter le sainct sepulcre, 1500 - 1525

Identifier: MS 13

This manuscript, written in the first quarter of the sixteenth century in Rouen, contains Pierre Mesenge's Journal de sainct voyage pour visiter le sainct sepulcre, a first-person account of a journey to Jerusalem in 1507. The author describes sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, as well as other cities. The text is primarily in French but includes many prayers in Latin. The manuscript is written on parchment with numerous small illuminated initials and line-fillers.

Dates: 1500 - 1525