SFHL/FHL/RG4. Organizational Records
Found in 125 Collections and/or Records:
Friendly Woman Records
This collection contains papers related to the publication of the Quaker periodical, Friendly Woman. Friendly Woman is a quarterly journal focusing on Quaker women's concerns and experiences. The periodical contains essays, fiction, poetry, commentary, and art.
Swarthmore Refugee Resource House
Virginia Friends Conference
Minutes and other records of the Virginia Friends Conference, an inter-yearly meeting association of Friends in Virginia, 1967-95.
Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology records
This collection contains the records of the Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology, primarily from the years 1943 to 1997. The Conference was originally founded as a way of addressing the spiritual turnmoil people were feeling after World War II. It continues to examine the ways Jungian psychology interacts with Quaker beliefs at its annual three-day conference over the Memorial Day weekend.
Friends Temperance Union (New York, N.Y.)
Records of the Friends Temperance Union of New York, a Quaker organization which promoted abstinence from all alcohol. It was founded in 1876 and ceased to meet after 5/1898. Includes Minutes, Executive Committee minutes, a Treasurer's book, and miscellaneous papers.
New York Female Association records
Formed in 1798 to give aid to the sick poor, the New York Female Association created the first public female school in New York in 1800. Until 1845, it worked with the Free School Society to establish and maintain public schools in New York while also continuing its efforts to help the indigent. Since 1845, the association has been a small gift-giving committee. The collection includes minutes and financial records.
Friends Literary and Library Association of New York
The Friends Literary and Library Association was a Hicksite Quaker organization formed in New York City in 1880 to provide the opportunity for mutual improvement in religious and literary subjects. Records from 1880 to 1906 include minutes, treasurers' records, and library catalogues.