Showing Collections: 1011 - 1020 of 5318
John Collins, Drawing of a Founders Hall Dormitory Room
This collection includes a single drawing made by John Collins.
Julia Cope Collins signature album
The signature album of Julia Cope Collins includes signatures, which are occasionally accompanied by a short note, quote, or sketch by the signer. According to the inscription on the front cover, this "Floral Album" was given to Collins by her mother in August of 1879.
Margaret H. Collins Papers
Margaret Hill Collins, a member of the Society of Friends, was an advocate for integrated housing in the Philadelphia suburbs. These papers include her writings and poetry, personal correspondence, and the records of the Community Support Corporation. The latter was a small nonprofit that remodeled and resold homes in low income communities in Delaware County, Pa. It was established in the mid 1970s and was headquartered on Jackson Street in Media.
Collins Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Collins Monthly Meeting (Hicksite), 1828-1851. Includes: Minutes 1828-1850, women's minutes, 1828-1851, Register 1814-1832 (includes Eden Monthly Meeting), and births & deaths, 1829-32.
Collins Monthly Meeting Records (including Concord and Hamburgh)
Collins Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Collins Preparative Meeting (Orthodox), 1828-1879. Includes: Minutes 1828-1879, women's minutes, 1857-1874, and financial Records 1845-1858.
Rebecca Singer Collins papers
Letters and diaries of Rebecca Singer Collins (1804-1892), a nineteenth-century Quaker well known for her religious philanthropic work.
Hermann Collitz papers
Dr. Hermann Collitz was a professor of Philology and German, author, and editor of the American Journal of Philology and The Journal of English and German Philology. The Hermann Collitz Papers, which ranges from 1869-1913, contains Collitz’ personal correspondence and other miscellaneous papers.
The Color Anthology
The collection contains three issues of the magazine dating from 1986 to 1991.
Colora Monthly Meeting (1945-1980) Records
Records include: Membership, 1945; Minutes, 1945-1949.