Showing Collections: 3701 - 3710 of 5316
Philadelphia Women's Peace Encampment Records
Philadelphia Women's Peace Encampment was a radical feminist direct-action collective with a focus on issues including nuclear disarmament, anti-militarism, racism, and right-wing repression. It served as an affinity group for the Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice, based in Romulus, New York.
Philadelphia Workers’ Organizing Committee publications
Five publications by the Philadelphia Workers' Organizing Committee, The Philadelphia Workers’ Organizing Committee (PWOC) was a local anti-revisionist and anti-dogmatist New Communist group founded in 1971 by Marxist-Leninists. The publications deal with party building, political action, trade unions, and Black liberation.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting maps
This collection is comprised of two published maps of the locations of the meetings in the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. One map is dated 1838, and the second map is dated 1897.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting: Abortion Study Group (1981-1982)
The Abortion Study Group was formed by the Family Relations Committee to discuss the Yearly Meeting's position on abortion issues. It met monthly for two years, and wrote position papers supporting the pro-life and pro-choice points of view. Records include minutes, reports, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) Records: Civilian Public Service Fund Committee (1942-1946)
Records of contributions and related correspondence of the Civilian Public Service Fund Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite), 1941-1945.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) Records: Committee on Economic Problems (1937-1948)
The Committee on Economic Problems was appointed in 1937 to cooperate with the Social Order Committee of the Arch Street Yearly Meeting. Clair Wilcox, a Quaker professor of Economics at Swarthmore College was the first Chair. The Committee was interested in a variety of related issues, including industrial relations, unemployment, and economic and social research.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) Records: Committee on Philanthropic Labor (1892-1936)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) Records: Promotion Committee (1950-1952)
The Promotion Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting was appointed to coordinate PYM's representation at the 1952 Friends World Conference in Oxford, England. Records include applications, financial records, literature relating to the Conference, and other materials.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) Records: Young Friends Movement (1912-1930)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Historical Records Project
This collection contains the records of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records Project compiled between the years of 1984 and 1989. Included in the collection are the published materials of the project, processing plans, photographs, notes, and scanned copies of the listing of archival records for this Meeting, for individual Yearly Meetings, Quaker Meetings, and Monthly Meetings.