Showing Collections: 4051 - 4060 of 5329
"Book of Epistles of George Fox, Founder of Quakerism"
Richardson-Yarnall family papers
Richardson-Yarnall family pictures
The collection contains photographs and other images of members of the Richardson and Yarnall families, Pennsylvania Quakers who lived in Philadelpia and Byberry, Pennsylvania. The families were united by the marriage in 1816 of Nathaniel Richardson and Hannah Yarnall of Byberry. Of special interest are the silhouettes of members of the Richardson and Yarnall families created in the Peale Museum, Philadelphia
David S. and Mary W. Richie Papers
David S. Richie (1908-2005) spent his life devoted to public service, particularly in the areas of work camps and cooperatives. A birthright Quaker, he served as Secretary of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Social Order Committee from 1939–1973 and was president of the Board of Friends Housing, Inc. He also was involved with the American Friends Service Committee and other organizations. These papers are divided into correspondence, writings, and topical files as assembled by Richie.
Richland Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Richland Monthly Meeting, 1685-2016, include: minutes, 1743-2000 and 2007-2016; vital records, 1685-1986; women's minutes, 1743-1896; ministers and elders' minutes, 1748-1894; financial records, 1749-1829 and 1888-1993; epistles received, 1755-1817; minutes of the Richland Friends' School Committee, 1838-1916; as well as other kinds of miscellaneous papers.
Richland Preparative Meeting Records
Records of the Hicksite preparative meeting include: Men's meeting minutes, 1845-1932; women's minutes, 1800-1896; membership lists, 1814-ca.1850.
Richmond Monthly Meeting Records (including Cedar Creek)
Records of Cedar Creek and Richmond Monthly Meetings and their predecessors, 1729-1999. Includes Men's and Joint minutes 1739-1974, Women's minutes 1754-1890, vital records, 1729-1916, Worship and Ministry and its predecessors 1791-1949, and financial records 1875-1917. Also includes Richmond Preparative Meeting Minutes, 1815-1818, Camp Creek Monthly Meeting records, 1747-1753, and Cedar Creek Preparative Meeting Minutes 1790-1792.
Ridge Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Ridge Preparative Meeting, 1799-1854. Includes: Minutes, 1799-1845, and women's minutes, 1806-1854.
Ridgewood Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Ridgewod Monthly Meeting, 1939-1999. Includes minutes, 1939-94, membership Records 1939-94, miscellaneous 1965-99, and newsletters 1980-1999.
Riverside Friends Meeting Records
Records of Riverside Friends Meeting, 1930-63. Includes minutes, 1930-61, and a guest book, 1957-63.