Showing Collections: 4311 - 4320 of 5315
Ruthanna M. Simms correspondence
Set of letters from 1926 exploring how Christian college students can contribute to a larger society.
Emily Simon letters
This collection contains a letter written by Emily Simon.
Henry Simpson papers
Letters of Henry Simpson (1780-1868), a Philadelphian lawyer, mainly regarding state politics.
Carroll T. Sinclair papers
Research relating to Quaker Meetings in Maryland by Carroll T. Sinclair, including manuscript material and photographs prepared in the mid-20th century.
Sing-Sing Worship Group Records
Records of Sing Sing Worship Group. Includes newsletters, 1989-.
Art Sinsabaugh letters
The collection contains letters exchanged between a director Thomas H. Garver ('56) and a photographer Art Sinsabaugh concerning Art's photographs. Present is also a page long list of addresses, recipients of Art's photographs, taken in front of Robby Frieds' house in 1969.
Skaneateles Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Skaneateles Preparative Meeting (Hicksite & pre-Separation), 1821-90. Includes men's minutes, 1821-90.
Skaneateles Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Skaneateles Preparative Meeting of Friends (Orthodox), 1828-1922. Includes minutes, 1828-1902, and a treasurer's book, 1898-1922.
Sky Island Papers
Sky Island was a refugee vacation hostel run by the American Friends Service Committee in copperation with the American Christian Committee for Refugees from about 1938 until at least 1947. Flora E. Pottenger was a teacher from Warsaw, Indiana, who worked at Sky Island during the summer of 1946. Her Sky Island papers, all photocopies, include correspondence, reports, and photographs.
Alice Slater Papers
Alice Slater is a nuclear policy expert involved in nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation, and elimination of weapons issues. She has served as a founder or officer of several major organizations, including Global Resource Action Center for the Environment, Economists Allied for Arms Reduction, Abolition 2000, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, and Stand for Truth About Radiation. Slater is internationally known for her expertise and work on disarmament issues.