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Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County

Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 29 Collections and/or Records:

Old Haverford Monthly Meeting Records

 Collection — Othertype SW/Ph/O400
Identifier: QM-Ph-O400
Scope and Contents

Records include: Hicksite minutes since 1951; Hicksite vital records, including marriage papers, 1951-1982; membership records, 1950-1974 and 1950-1981; removals issued and received, and other papers concerning membership,1927-1984; newsletter.

Dates: 1927-1995

Pendle Hill (School : Wallingford, Pa.) Records

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-066
Abstract Pendle Hill is a Quaker study center located in Wallingford, Pennsylvania. It was established in 1930 out of an earlier Quaker school and study center, the Woolman School. The Woolman School was established in 1915 under the care of the General Conference Committee of the Seven Yearly Meetings (Hicksite). In 1917, it was reorganized as a joint enterprise of Hicksite and Orthodox Friends, governed by a Board of Managers. The Woolman School was incorporated in 1918. In 1928, it was reorganized...
Dates: 1915-2011

Providence Monthly Meeting (Delaware County, Pa.) Records

Identifier: QM-Ph-P700
Scope and Contents

Records of the Hicksite meeting include: Minutes 1934-1992; vital records since 1769; minutes of Ministry and Counsel, 1934-1944; trustees' minutes, 1938-1987; miscellaneous papers, 1717-1973 and n.d.

Dates: 1717 - 2007

Providence Preparative Meeting (Delaware County, Pa.) Records

Identifier: QM-Ph-P720
Scope and Contents

Records of the Pre-Separation and Hicksite preparative meetings include: minutes of the men's meeting and later, of joint sessions with women, 1830-1942; women's minutes, 1839-1891; papers concerning financial and property matters, 1876-1939; First Day School minutes, 1909-1926; First Day School attendance record, 1908-1918; Philanthropic Committee papers, 1931-1935; Media Friends' Association minutes, 1894-1908.

Dates: 1811-1942

Radnor Monthly Meetings Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: QM-Ph-R300
Scope and Contents Records of both the pre-Reunification Radnor Monthly Meetings and the records of the sucessor of Radnor United Monthly Meeting. Records of the first Radnor Monthly Meetings, pre-Separation, Orthodox and Hicksite, 1685-1951 include: vital records, 1680-1826; Hicksite vital records, 1763-1950; Hicksite men’s minutes, 1827-1951; Orthodox men's minutes, 1682-1865; women's minutes, 1685-1811; Hicksite women’s minutes, 1872-1887; Orthodox women’s minutes, 1835-1865; ministers and...
Dates: 1680-2012

Radnor Preparative Meeting Records

 Collection — Othertype SW/Ph/R335
Identifier: QM-Ph-R335
Scope and Contents

Records of Radnor Preparative Meeting (Hicksite), 1871-1882, as follows: women's minutes, 1871-1882, and a subscription, ca. 1875.

Dates: 1871-1882.

Springfield Monthly Meeting Records

 Collection — Othertype SW/Ph/S670
Identifier: QM-Ph-S670
Scope and Contents

Records include: Orthodox and United minutes, 1948-1977; minutes of the United Worship and Ministry Committee and of its predecessor, the Orthodox Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1949-1967; papers of Springfield Burial Ground Committee, 1840-1967; correspondence and bills relating to addition to meeting house, 1958-1961.

Dates: 1840-[ongoing]

Springfield Preparative Meeting Records

Identifier: QM-Ph-S680
Scope and Contents

Records of the Orthodox preparative meeting and of its predecessor, the pre-Separation preparative meeting, 1703-1912, as follows: minutes, 1818-1839, 1882-1903; women's minutes, 1840-1852; record of membership, 1881-1887; account books and other financial records, 1864-1899; deeds and other property records, 1703-1909; miscellaneous papers, 1825-1842.

Dates: 1703-1912

Swarthmore Monthly Meeting Records

Identifier: QM-Ph-S900
Scope and Contents Ongoing records of the Hicksite and United meeting include: minutes since 1893 (including digital minutes 2009-2023), marriage and membership records; minutes of the Worship and Ministry Committee and of its predecessors (including digital), the Meeting of Ministry and Counsel and the Meeting of Ministers and Elders; overseers' minutes; account books and financial records (includnig digital); property records; minutes and papers of several committees (incluing digital); correspondence and...
Dates: 1893 - 2023